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Thats lump you get in your throat


Well-Known Member
Rant : That moment when you're at work or in an enviroment where you need to maintain professionalism and someone does something to that draws out intense emotion and you are becoming exhaused trying to hold back your want to act out or in my case cry. Why is it so hard to hush your mind from running a mile a minute to keep yourself from making yourself cry. Yup I had one today and I am seriously so upset.

What happened? Well I work at a walmart distribution and I am an orderfiller and I driver around abl powerized forklift. I was orderfilling cat litter and when I was trying to get by a guy who was parked very close to where I needed to exit I skimmed his machine and tore a bag of cat litter. Well someone reported me. Yes I was reported for a power equipment accident and it was so minuet that upon my manager asking me about anything happening to day I couldnt even bring it to mind. He had to remind me of this happening. He had information like the joke I made (out of embarrassment). Im so upset. Who would do such a thing to me? What have I done to get treatment like this? I work too hard and get paid way to well to lose it over something so insane. I just started working here and as any of youvcan understand my need for being accepted and liked is very important to me. I almost feel heart broken and my trust in my teamates is shattered.

Okay. I feel a little better!
Well... if your working environment is anything like the ones I've been in, they will rat you out for the silliest and smallest things.
For what it's worth, I'd try really hard not to take that so personally. If you just started working there, in essence you are a probationary employee in an industrial work environment. It likely means one of more persons are assigned to keeping an eye on you for your own safety given inherent hazards not found in more mundane work environments.

In any potentially hazardous work environment what may be perceived as a trivial incident, is still just that. An incident. Something to be officially logged in accordance with corporate policy and insurance requirements regarding bodily injury, property damage and inventory loss.

I've been on both sides of this coin. Worked as both a warehouseman for nearly a year and later as a commercial insurance underwriter for nearly two decades. There's a whole lot of loss control going on which you can't see behind that torn sack of cat litter. Much of it being relative to your workers compensation exposure in a somewhat dangerous work environment.

You might even score points with your manager if you ask him more about what is expected of you in terms of personally logging/communicating any and all incident reports. Show them that you "get it". ;)
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For what it's worth, I'd try really hard not to take that so personally. If you just started working there, in essence you are a probationary employee in an industrial work environment. It likely means one of more persons are assigned to keeping an eye on you for your own safety given inherent hazards not found in more mundane work environments.

In any potentially hazardous work environment what may be perceived as a trivial incident, is still just that. An incident. Something to be officially logged in accordance with corporate policy and insurance requirements regarding bodily injury, property damage and inventory loss.

I've been on both sides of this coin. Worked as both a warehouseman for nearly a year and later as a commercial insurance underwriter for nearly two decades. There's a whole lot of loss control going on which you can't see behind that torn sack of cat litter. Much of it being relative to your workers compensation exposure in a somewhat dangerous work environment.

You might even score points with your manager if you ask him more about what is expected of you in terms of personally logging/communicating any and all incident reports. Show them that you "get it". ;)
I can't disagree with you at all! I completely agree and I actually love the fact that the rules are so strict because I hate when people bend them. I guess I just felt betrayed because the guy was so friendly to me and always trying to make me laugh and displaying his "I didn't see nothing attitude". I was ranting more about feeling like I was attacked and I needed to let out my feelings so I could get on with my shift! Luckily it's very physical work so I could exert it and finish strong with my shift! I appreciate your being honest with your opinion (: I hope you don't think I'm an ass!

Well... if your working environment is anything like the ones I've been in, they will rat you out for the silliest and smallest things.
It seems that way! Oh well. Everyone thinks he's a jerk now.
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I can't disagree with you at all! I completely agree and I actually love the fact that the rules are so strict because I hate when people bend them. I guess I just felt betrayed because the guy was so friendly to me and always trying to make me laugh and displaying his "I didn't see nothing attitude". I was ranting more about feeling like I was attacked and I needed to let out my feelings so I could get on with my shift! Luckily it's very physical work so I could exert it and finish strong with my shift! I appreciate your being honest with your opinion :) I hope you don't think I'm an ass!

Yes, I see your point. That's a whole other dynamic. Those people who all too often can be either at your feet or at your throat. I wish I had an eloquent answer to that issue. I've had to deal with such personalities for years. If I could avoid them I did for the most part. But if they're supervisors or managers above you, that's a bit more difficult. For them, I can only say "watch your six!"

My screwup doing warehouse work? I got injured and didn't report it until the next day. I didn't lose my job, but it was definitely a "learning experience" !

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