A relatively new way* to consume cannabis is to vaporize the dried "herb" and by doing so, not only avoids combusting the material, it also preserves more of the terpenes in their unburned state making it more flavorful.
I have a dry herb vape but I don't use it very often, it's much easier on old lungs but I found myself building a high tolerance very quickly like that. Perhaps there's a grain of truth in an old joke, that it's not the weed that get's you stoned, it's oxygen deprivation from all the coughing.
The directions for preparing the cannabis before baking it seem complicated.
I used to grow my own all through the 80s and 90s. We smoked the flowering heads and we used the leaves to make Dope Butter which could then be used in almost any recipe or just spread on bread like normal butter.
1lb of leaf to 1lb of butter + 1 cup of water. Put the whole lot in a slow cooker on it's lowest setting and just let it go for 18 to 24 hours. Warning - it stinks your house out and it's not a pleasant smell, sort of reminiscent of sweaty socks.
After it's had it's time in the slow cooker lift the ceramic dish out and put it in the fridge to set. The butter of course is by now bright green and floating on top, all the leaf matter has turned black and sunk to the bottom, once it's set very firmly run a knife around the edge of the ceramic dish to free it, lift it out and rinse it under running water to get rid of the black gunk that's coating the bottom of the slab.
I used to make Vanilla Biscuits, a very simple recipe and very tasty. The girl I was engaged to told me after we split up that she tried one of my biscuits once, she had never smoked dope in her life but she had a day off work she intended to use training her horses and she thought she'd try just one to see what it was like.
She knew I always had two before going to play golf, she ate one, and there was a broken half of one in there too so she ate that as well. They were really nice biscuits though, so she lifted them all out of the container to get the crumbs in the bottom as well, and she found the other half of the broken one and ate that too.
She didn't get to her horses, she got half way there and felt too weird so she turned around and came home again, spent the whole day sitting in the lounge reading a book.