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The Freedom To BE


Van Dweller
V.I.P Member
I’ve spent a lot of time exploring freedom. Freedom comes in many forms. For me, the hardest thing to find freedom from is other people. I don't mean physically, as in being on my own, I mean the effect they seem to have on me.

It wasn't always like this. The freedom I found when I lived in Israel had me able to be myself without being affected by what people did. But it has been a long time since I've been able to do it quite that way; how people are, the sounds they make, the smells they produce, affect me, challenge me. I'm working on it, and it is better, and I still find new ideas that help me. But there was a time when I never struggled like this. When I was 'him'. So I know I can be him because when I was him, I experienced a far greater freedom. And life is all about freedom for me.

A good definition of abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Abundance is not about how much money or possessions you have.

Freedom doesn't mean being able to do anything I can imagine; there are many things I can imagine that I wouldn't want to do. Freedom is the feeling of being able to act spontaneously according to my inspiration, ability and creativity. That is freedom for me.
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I can't remember who wrote the following :
" If you want to be free, just let go"

I read it a while ago. I remember it's profound effects on my thinking.

I'm still capable of being swept up in drama created by others,
on recognition of such I know I have choices;
Ride that drama train or let go of outcomes and get off at the next station.

I use the term 'drama' loosely.
To describe most things not created by me.
Even my dogs and cats create 'drama' when waiting for their supper, albeit mild. :)
It's important to experience a feeling of freedom everyday.
Today, I went out for a walk and to sit in the park. I went when I wanted to go. Walked where I wanted to walk. I brought an apple with me as a drink and sat on a bench and ate it. I was out as long as I wanted to be out for. Loved being outside in a naturally green and sunny day. Then came back and wrote what I felt free to write. Simple, and me.
I’ve spent a lot of time exploring freedom. Freedom comes in many forms. For me, the hardest thing to find freedom from is other people. I don't mean physically, as in being on my own, I mean the effect they seem to have on me.

It wasn't always like this. The freedom I found when I lived in Israel had me able to be myself without being affected by what people did. But it has been a long time since I've been able to do it quite that way; how people are, the sounds they make, the smells they produce, affect me, challenge me. I'm working on it, and it is better, and I still find new ideas that help me. But there was a time when I never struggled like this. When I was 'him'. So I know I can be him because when I was him, I experienced a far greater freedom. And life is all about freedom for me.

A good definition of abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Abundance is not about how much money or possessions you have.

Freedom doesn't mean being able to do anything I can imagine; there are many things I can imagine that I wouldn't want to do. Freedom is the feeling of being able to act spontaneously according to my inspiration, ability and creativity. That is freedom for me.
This is a nice post.
I like the way you define freedom and I like the way you define abundance.
You have been “Him” and you will be “Him” again.
This is because “he“ is still within you.
I know what you mean about people, I love my solitude, I like company depending on who it is and how I feel, alas in this world, people do not seem to know how to give each to the the space the need.
It's important to experience a feeling of freedom everyday.
Today, I went out for a walk and to sit in the park. I went when I wanted to go. Walked where I wanted to walk. I brought an apple with me as a drink and sat on a bench and ate it. I was out as long as I wanted to be out for. Loved being outside in a naturally green and sunny day. Then came back and wrote what I felt free to write. Simple, and me.
That is beautiful.
I must admit, in all honesty, I am envious, as I do not feel I can walk where I want when I want, I dearly hope to in the future.
Right now I do not feel free as I am weaning of an addictive drug, and other reasons, the important positive thing is that I hope to feel free despite what the future holds.
It is nice that you can get out and enjoy the apple and the sunshine and nature, and, of course doing this when and for as long as you want to.
I wonder how those reformed prisoners still banged up do for freedom?
I am talking about those ex gangsters who have realised the error of their ways, yet still have lots of time to serve, and may engage in creative activities.
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Surprisely, yes, l am surprised, freedom has come as standing up for myself to groups of people with limited options in life. My options are live and just settle for happiness even if it's cashier or running a doctor's office. Whatever l am handed, l am okay with it. But l will tell you to quit bossing me around, and to the random guy who has informed for the umpteenth time he is my boyfriend, yah dude- when pigs surf. lol
The Epicureans felt simply joys brought happiness. Like the apple on the bench. People think Epicurus was all about pleasure. But it was small pleasure, and simple things. :-)
he is my boyfriend, yah dude- when pigs surf. lol

Freedom is a construct of the mind. It is all relative. If there are two people on Earth and you have to interact with each other in a "civil and respectful" manner,...abiding by social rules of engagement,...you don't have freedom. The same thing happens within the business world,...regulations. Societies only allow it's residents more or less rules than others,...but very, very few are actually free.
Freedom is a construct of the mind. It is all relative. If there are two people on Earth and you have to interact with each other in a "civil and respectful" manner,...abiding by social rules of engagement,...you don't have freedom.
This might explain why I do very little 'rules of engagement' and spend most of my time alone.

It isn't easy to live a truly free life while attempting to live in society...compromises have to be made. This is why I seek out freedoms that feel free for me (see previous examples) and create freer ways to be amongst others. Silence helps a lot, both keeping quiet and keeping sounds out. I choose to be aware of a lot less (no mainstream news, TV, non-nature life sounds) but am mindful enough not to just step out into the road because I don't hear any traffic. I used to use my ears for that and didn't have to look, but now I turn my head just to check.

Yes, freedom is mostly in the mind, and very relative, but with practice, the feeling of freedom can be had even in the most non-freedom of situations. I practice freedom, and know that at least for now it is a fluctuating state that has to be balanced with the expectations of others. To me, the less who expect the more freedom I experience.
Freedom to accept what I cannot change
Freedom to forgive those who misunderstand me
Freedom to allow what IS to be
Freedom to decide where I need to go
Freedom to let go of what I cannot keep
Freedom to change who I have been
Freedom to grow into who I will be
Freedom to see what is really there
Freedom to be who it is that is me
Freedom to accept what I cannot change
Freedom to forgive those who misunderstand me
Freedom to allow what IS to be
Freedom to decide where I need to go
Freedom to let go of what I cannot keep
Freedom to change who I have been
Freedom to grow into who I will be
Freedom to see what is really there
Freedom to be who it is that is me
This inspired me to study each line and talk to the force who I see as God in the context of my own life.
Thank you for this.
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