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The Justice gene


Well-Known Member
When it comes to seeing people do wrong, I see it all. It can be the most minor thing, but where as most people can turn a blind eye, I obssess over it. Its like im this universal do -gooder who must judge and show people the error of their ways. I hate the thought that someone can get away with something, at the expense of others. Walking away just has me obssessing for hours. Some people are genuinely shocked that I call then on something so trivial. Im often accused of living in a bubble, and the behavior of others has me thinking, im not alone. If I stop and think about though, there are times, where ive probably done the same. Judging others wrong doing is a real issue me. Anyone else find themselves with this attack dog mentality, at times
I've heard of this as one of many metaphysical "life themes". What is referred to as a "banner carrier". People who are inherently and seriously committed to fighting injustices. However I can't say I've heard the same term associated with any specific neurological condition or genetics.

Hopefully such people can effectively harness all that drive and energy to do good deeds.
I don't really judge people for doing something wrong (at least I hope not), but I am incensed by bad behavior. This is why I tell people that for me, being Aspie is being like Batman. XD
I've heard of this as one of many metaphysical "life themes". What is referred to as a "banner carrier". People who are inherently and seriously committed to fighting injustices. However I can't say I've heard the same term associated with any specific neurological condition or genetics.

Hopefully such people can effectively harness all that drive and energy to do good deeds.
Hmmmm, I thinking a cape and the wearing of tights might have me locked up before I can do any real good. It may well be not a neurological condition, but the obssessional behavior, after the fact, is clearly my Aspergers
Hmmmm, I thinking a cape and the wearing of tights might have me locked up before I can do any real good. It may well be not a neurological condition, but the obssessional behavior, after the fact, is clearly my Aspergers

Absolutely....I have OCD as well, however it just manifests itself in other ways. As a metaphysical distinction there simply may be no "crossover" considerations of genetics or neurology. Or maybe I just haven't found it yet. I'm just interested in the distinction because I manage to discover such people even if I'm not looking for them!
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When it comes to seeing people do wrong, I see it all. It can be the most minor thing, but where as most people can turn a blind eye, I obssess over it. Its like im this universal do -gooder who must judge and show people the error of their ways. I hate the thought that someone can get away with something, at the expense of others. Walking away just has me obssessing for hours. Some people are genuinely shocked that I call then on something so trivial. Im often accused of living in a bubble, and the behavior of others has me thinking, im not alone. If I stop and think about though, there are times, where ive probably done the same. Judging others wrong doing is a real issue me. Anyone else find themselves with this attack dog mentality, at times

I know exactly what you mean, though I'm not as bad as I used to be. Living with my family, who often break rules and don't show any remorse for it, I've had to learn to deal with it.
I judge people all the time, I will freely admit it. What's important is being able to tell whether or not that judgement is warranted--in my case, sometimes not at all!--and keeping one's mouth shut as much as possible. :)
When it comes to seeing people do wrong, I see it all. It can be the most minor thing, but where as most people can turn a blind eye, I obssess over it. Its like im this universal do -gooder who must judge and show people the error of their ways. I hate the thought that someone can get away with something, at the expense of others. Walking away just has me obssessing for hours. Some people are genuinely shocked that I call then on something so trivial. Im often accused of living in a bubble, and the behavior of others has me thinking, im not alone. If I stop and think about though, there are times, where ive probably done the same. Judging others wrong doing is a real issue me. Anyone else find themselves with this attack dog mentality, at times
I used to do the same. But as I got older, I mellowed out. I realized that it was not my job, nor was it even in my power, to make every detail about the world absolutely perfect. Nowadays I pretty much always assume the best about someone's intentions, and their intentions, in other words, what goes on inside their head, are more important than their external actions.
I judge a lot ... Its a real poison that ruins most of my days. One very obvious situation is when I drive ... There is so many people that can't drive properly ... they don't follow the signs or they do useless and stupid things ... it just exacerbate my judging to the point to make me angry. I notice everything they do wrong.

In public, I learned to control what I say, but in my brain, I do not understand why people are doing things the wrong way. Lets say I visit my sister ... she has 6 kids ... and every time I go there, the kids are fed candies and Coke and Crush and all that high sugar stuff ... in my head, its screaming "you are killing them .. they are all gonna get diabetes!!! Why don't you understand that simple fact? Its obvious!!!" ... But I keep it inside, because I fear I'll be told that I have no kids and she has 6 so she knows what is too much and what is not better than I do ...

Keeping it inside wasn't good ... over time I found ways to express my opinions without hurting people too much and at the same time make them believe I'm cool. So when I see my sister with all her sugar eating kids, i'd say something like :"Geez, those kids must **** like a diabetic bison!"

It helps ... I feel better, its funny and it might starts a reflection.
I am the same way. I get so mad at even the smallest injustice. Because of how mad I got that people were taking longer breaks than allowed my whole workplace had to log in and out for every break (my bad) so that bit me in the ass. I get so irritated with certain people who get away with their attitudes and the way they treat people that I just can't even handle it. And yes I judge them too. I hate when people are judgmental on people who do nothing wrong but I judge the hell out of people I think are doing wrong. It's not easy to admit but it's true.
In public, I learned to control what I say, but in my brain, I do not understand why people are doing things the wrong way. Lets say I visit my sister ... she has 6 kids ... and every time I go there, the kids are fed candies and Coke and Crush and all that high sugar stuff ... in my head, its screaming "you are killing them .. they are all gonna get diabetes!!! Why don't you understand that simple fact? Its obvious!!!" ... But I keep it inside, because I fear I'll be told that I have no kids and she has 6 so she knows what is too much and what is not better than I do ...

Keeping it inside wasn't good ... over time I found ways to express my opinions without hurting people too much and at the same time make them believe I'm cool. So when I see my sister with all her sugar eating kids, i'd say something like :"Geez, those kids must **** like a diabetic bison!"

It helps ... I feel better, its funny and it might starts a reflection.
For your peace of mind, while a high sugar diet is not healthy, according to the latest research (this is according to nutritional experts; not just some blogger on the internet) it does not lead to Diabetes.
For your peace of mind, while a high sugar diet is not healthy, according to the latest research (this is according to nutritional experts; not just some blogger on the internet) it does not lead to Diabetes.

feeww .. at least they wont get diabetes right away ... but i tell you ... the quantity they eat, their blood will turn into syrup soon ... :D
I notice things all the time but don't really get upset except under one condition. When people get away with the same things that I have gotten in trouble for or would certainly be in trouble for, but I don't go confront them or chase them down or anything. I believe in fairness. I don't judge people before knowing them because I've had that done to me more than I can count and don't like it.

About Batman, a few years back there was a guy in this area who would go around in a Batman suit and try to do justice, but sometimes was blocking the cops and ended up getting arrested. Another time they arrested him for climbing a building but people that knew him said he was running from being attacked.
Hmmmm, I thinking a cape and the wearing of tights might have me locked up before I can do any real good. It may well be not a neurological condition, but the obssessional behavior, after the fact, is clearly my Aspergers
We don't have to run around in tights to do good, but I know what you mean. Our society is lost, in serious decline and what others are viewing as normal behavior is indeed anything but.

I will openly offend people, not in words, but my acts show them that they are genuine a...., I will openly show them that what they are doing is simply wrong, will not stop doing that either.

Having immigrated from a different country, my values are very different anyways. Sooo, when I see the share of everyday people who will do wrong at just around every turn I have no problem to alert them to it, to openly and harshly show them that they are complete idiots. Nope, I really do not have a problem with that.
When it comes to seeing people do wrong, I see it all. It can be the most minor thing, but where as most people can turn a blind eye, I obssess over it. Its like im this universal do -gooder who must judge and show people the error of their ways. I hate the thought that someone can get away with something, at the expense of others. Walking away just has me obssessing for hours. Some people are genuinely shocked that I call then on something so trivial. Im often accused of living in a bubble, and the behavior of others has me thinking, im not alone. If I stop and think about though, there are times, where ive probably done the same. Judging others wrong doing is a real issue me. Anyone else find themselves with this attack dog mentality, at times
I completely identify with what you're describing. Injustices (the more blatant ones especially) can have a major effect on me. I go into what I term "Old Testament mode." If I decide to intervene in a situation, though, I try to do so with as much civility as possible. However, some people have voiced their concern that I cannot always know when someone might pull a gun or a knife on me. People have gotten killed over some pretty stupid stuff (witness the man killed in a Florida movie theatre over texting).
I definitely have a case of this gene. I'm always mouthing off about major issues, defending or helping any under dogs I find, and generally making a stand for myself and/or others. I have a huge scar running the full length of my calf for example from chasing down a play ground bully on my sons behalf just so I could find his parents. My son said his mama was a super hero after that, hehe. I have also stood up to an in home robbery by three men. Took a beating and got dragged out into the street trying to delay them long enough for the cups to arrive and keep them too busy to bother hurting anyone in the house or stealing any more than they got away with. Chased off a would be rapist as well. And with my abusive past as well I've had a history of standing up to my abusers and driving them nuts.

I know it's not the healthiest or safest route to take, and believe it or not I DO think ahead of time and weigh the consequences and risks, but I've just accepted at this point it's part of my personality, and honestly the world would be better off if everyone took a stand against injustice more. I can say I quite heavily relate to the first main character in the movie kick as* that made up his mind he was going to be a super hero. I just don't get my butt kicked quite as often though, LOL.

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