An opposite to "
the last thing that made you laugh" thread.
For some of us, getting ourselves to cry is actually really difficult, while for others crying may be easy to do.
For me, the most nowadays I'm able to do is make my eyes water a bit but as for actual crying it seems like a near-impossibility. In the 2009 claymation film
Mary and Max, Max even states during
one of his letters that he can't cry.
When I was a kid, it was easier - especially considering some of the emotionally traumatic stuff we used to watch on TV and in movies. Heck, even Disney movies had a lot of really sad moments.
As I've gotten older, however, crying is something that my brain has seemingly turned off or at least to standby. Problem is, I can't find the remote to turn it back on.
So, in this thread you can put in the last thing that made you cry or, alternatively, stuff that
used to make you cry.
I'll throw in a few here:
The last thing that made me cry recently was several months ago. I was reading about my home (Hull, England) and read about the
Triple Trawler Tragedy. Looking further into it, I came across this song:
(Leave the page to load up, the song will start playing on its own)
The song - coupled with my brain running a mind movie of how I imagined the tragedy unfolding and the emotional reactions of the families who lost their fathers/husbands - did get me crying.
Unfortunately, it seems to have only been a one time thing as when I try it now, I feel sad but can't cry again.
Something that made me cry as a kid was the movie
The Land Before Time, back when I had a big love of dinosaurs. However, the scene with Littlefoot the sauropod talking to his fatally injured mum before she died genuinely made me sob my eyes out when I first saw it (added to the fact I have a strong bond with my own mum, and the thought of losing her is a scary one).