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The Oversharer


Well-Known Member
Though it sounds like an episode title from Seinfeld, oversharing is something I’ve always struggled with. I simply don’t have good boundaries on what is appropriate to tell other people. For example, I might tell a complete stranger details from a current issue. Strangely, I have no problem keeping confidences. Does anyone else struggle with this?
Yes. I have struggled especially if stressed out. I try to talk thru my stress which is stupid.

Like talking helps me forget certain daily frustration with people. Trying to exercise regularly again to deal with this.
Yes. This is 100% me (it's obvious from looking through my posts on this forum lol). I never stop talking, especially irl, and it drives people crazy. I am generally not very trusting of people I meet in real life, but once I reach a "comfort" place with any new person (it's like those memes that say "I'm quiet at first, but when you get to know me, I never shut up"- that's my reality), I reveal things I definitely shouldn't... especially things that I should probably keep to myself, like talking openly about bodily functions or things like my bra/binder size, or going into too much detail about medical procedures I've had.
I'm way less careful on the Internet... I kinda just blab whatever pops into my head and then I re-read it later and I'm like "Why would I say that?? People are going to think I'm nuts... or stupid." I have very disorganized thoughts, and years of psychological trauma and being physically unwell kinda fried my brain so I don't think at all before I speak most of the time. I speak much faster than I think. When my brain catches up, I usually have a "facepalm" moment... this is why people seem to get the impression that I'm really naive and simple-minded or just dumb.
This post is again proof that I am an oversharer :sweatsmile::sweatsmile:
Edit: Like the OP, I have no issues with keeping things private that people told me in confidence, and I don't talk behind people's backs. This is just a "me" issue lol.
Yes, I am like this too and also, can keep confidences; however have tended to break that confidence, in saying something that I think is going to help that person and ends up, the opposite.

Due to a terrible experience, involved with me trying to be decent to all, I actually did the opposite and that caused me to realise that I must work on deplomacy and it is working. However, it is hard work, because it is not my nature, but then again, neurotypicals are no different in that respect.
Yep, definitely. I'm embarrassed about it, but I have never managed to catch myself before doing it.

Yes, I am like this too and also, can keep confidences; however have tended to break that confidence, in saying something that I think is going to help that person and ends up, the opposite.

I can keep secrets if I know that it's a secret. This is where I screw up. Not knowing that something is meant to be a secret. I guess it's assumed that I'll just instinctively know what's to be shared and what isn't.
Though it sounds like an episode title from Seinfeld, oversharing is something I’ve always struggled with. I simply don’t have good boundaries on what is appropriate to tell other people. For example, I might tell a complete stranger details from a current issue. Strangely, I have no problem keeping confidences. Does anyone else struggle with this?

I struggle with this also, and am frequently reminded by my wife to not disclose anything. She is the opposite, and shares nothing even with friends. I tend to be too trustful, while she is distrustful of everyone.

I do not disclose information that friends tell me in confidence.
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Yes it is one of the reasons my husband would get mad at me. And yet like you @rach3rd I am completely fine keeping a confidence when someone wants that.
I think (?) one of the reasons I share so much detail is to get feedback and perspective. The issue of boundaries is one I struggle with; it seems to go for black to white not enough gray.
I don't think I overshare that much. In most conversations I'm so uncomfortable that I say very little and undershare. In situations where I am comfortable, or in writing (writing is so much easier than speaking), then I have a tendency to go off on tangents if it happens to be slightly related to a subject I like. I just get excited over the chance to talk about it, and I forget that it's not really relevant to the subject at hand.

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