As a child, I was on training wheels until forced off them by a phys-ed teacher, quite late off them. As common as they are on children's bikes, training wheels do not teach the skill of balancing. They prevent a bike from leaning, something that other bikes do when cornering.
Here is what does tech the skill of balancing: Taking off the pedals and lowering the seat. When all the hard work is done, it is a simple matter of raising the seat and refitting the pedals.
Autistic people often have difficulty riding a bicycle but maybe they could overcome this difficulty simply by having a bike with a lower seat and no pedals.
Here is what does tech the skill of balancing: Taking off the pedals and lowering the seat. When all the hard work is done, it is a simple matter of raising the seat and refitting the pedals.
Autistic people often have difficulty riding a bicycle but maybe they could overcome this difficulty simply by having a bike with a lower seat and no pedals.