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the truth makes me… me


Van Dweller
V.I.P Member
there was a time when I answered a question with a question
now I just speak the truth
I answer the question
I say what I know
I don't exaggerate
I’m not ironic
I just tell it how it is
and then I stop talking
I don't have to say more
I don't always say enough
not what might be expected
leaving the other unsure
if they heard the truth or not

there was a time when not being believed really bothered me
especially when I knew it was the truth
but sometimes it might not be
and wanting to be believed
made it sound like something else

I don’t like not speaking the truth
I don’t like how it feels
but it used to happen
almost never now
and yet it still can
and sometimes for no reason

I don't always remember what I say
I wouldn’t want to have to
so if I only speak the truth
and I’m not believed
that is okay
because I know what it is
and that's all that matters
the truth makes me…me
it cannot be wrong
it’s not an opinion or a perspective
it just is what I know it to be
I can be mistaken
but that is also the truth
I know what it is
and that's all that matters
the truth makes me…me
it cannot be wrong
it’s not an opinion or a perspective
it just is what I know it to be
I can be mistaken
but that is also the truth

Well, I might throw some other thoughts your way. A person's truth IS perspective and opinion most of the time. It is, as you suggest, "your truth" that makes you,...you.

Even within the context of science and experimentation, the conditions and methods of said experiment provide the basis of context and perspective. The results of said science are only accurate within those boundaries. That's why multiple experiments under different conditions will begin to clarify the science.

I think the only thing that comes closest to "the truth" is a mathematical proof. Another example,...an event happened,...but the only measurable truth to that event is that it happened,...HOW it happened or WHY it happened is now opening the door to perspective.

So,...part of my personal growth is reminding myself that everyone has their own perspective that is the foundation of their "personal truths",...and ultimately makes them who they are and forms their belief system. Even something simple like "describe the color of this box",...if you and I are standing at different angles to the light around the box,...the box may appear a different color,...perspective. The idea here is that we should understand this concept,...and not get into arguments over our personal truths. What you and I see, may not be the same. You may live in an environment totally different than mine. Take some pause to understand this before opening one's mouth,...even if it appears to be a lie at the time.
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A person's truth IS perspective and opinion
True...until I know something else, there is only the truth I know in this moment. It is why a belief is so powerful because nothing else can feel true if you have one.

It is certainly true that we often assume the other believes, sees, or thinks, what we do, and perspective is giving us a feeling of the truth we experience. Which is still the truth because truth is also relative, based on experience. There's not one truth just usually only one at a time. :)

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