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The Ultimasaurus - InGen's invincible amalgamation, or a total failure?


Well-Known Member
I've been browsing YouTube for a bit and found this video that peaked my interest - and may peak the interest of any fans of the Jurassic Park and/or Jurassic World series, as well as those among you who enjoy anything to do with dinosaurs, be it the real deal or InGen's many genetically-modified reptiles.

For those who don't know, the "Ultimasaurus" was a cancelled Jurassic Park toy that would have been part of the Kenner "Chaos Effect" line - with the creature in question been a genetic amalgamation of several dinosaur species - mish-mashing the DNA of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus into a single animal; albeit with this hybrid nowhere near as neatly packaged together as the latter Indominus Rex from Jurassic World would be.
The only Ultimasaurus toy we got from the Chaos Effect toy line was with the Roland Tembo toy - which included a baby Ultimasaurus.

In the video below, this YouTuber - known as "Goji Center" - goes over this hybrid's origins in the Jurassic Park/World timeline, the creature's genetic makeup, its effectiveness in combat and its engagement with other dinosaurs before having a special secret section at the end of the video.
All this is to answer the following questions; Is the Ultimasaurus truly the ultimate dinosaur, or a heavily flawed prototype? Furthermore, if it's the latter option, is there be a way to improve it?


Found this from BlueFuryDesign. Not a true mass produced toy it seems but a semi custom 3D printer thing. The lines in toys are getting blurry to me. Never knew about it or the series it was from. But it got me trying to hunt down an old movie, soviet I think, that had a bunch of man sized T- Rex type monsters (men in suits) attack the astronauts and getting taken down with a pistol. :D
Looks like Goji Center just dropped a new video - showing whether or not his "improved" Ultimasaurus would indeed survive if it was let loose on Isla Sorna (The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III) as a newborn:

(Loving the new 3D models of this creature).

View attachment 138109

Found this from BlueFuryDesign. Not a true mass produced toy it seems but a semi custom 3D printer thing. The lines in toys are getting blurry to me. Never knew about it or the series it was from. But it got me trying to hunt down an old movie, soviet I think, that had a bunch of man sized T- Rex type monsters (men in suits) attack the astronauts and getting taken down with a pistol. :D

Yeah, the adult Ultimasaurus didn't get released. However, one of the other toys from the "Chaos Effect" line was Roland Tembo - the hunter from The Lost World: Jurassic Park - with an Ultimasaurus Hatchling, with that toy been released:

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