Well-Known Member
The weather in about 75% to 80% of the United States has gotten me extremely obsessed with all things ice and cold. Everything from ice, snow, snowmen, pack ice, sea ice, icebergs, glaciers, I've even heard that there are 12 different chemical compositions of ice. It's even made me think in ice puns such as "Ice to see you". Unfortunately, my searches for ice and cold and North Pole kept on blowing up in my face in regards to what people are referring to as global warming, climate change, ice melting, sea levels rising, droughts in western states, etc. They keep on talking about how the main cause is human emitted carbon dioxide emissions. Isn't the climate unpredictable and God in control of the environment? The bible says we should be good stewards of our planet. The number of searches in regards to ice and cold from me has increased significantly. I just want to believe that at the top of the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole, there exists mountains of ice and snow and not a tropical beach island like Hilton Head, SC. Plus, polar bears, seals, and walruses. So many days, even when I'm successful in accomplishing all my assignments in finishing up college by December 2015, ice and cold and snow are on my mind. I don't want to turn into Mr. Freeze from the Batman franchise who exists to freeze up everything to get what he wants. Maybe where I live in the South, when the weather warms up in spring and summer, I'll start thinking more about beaches and reefs than ice and cold. I need to get this cold and ice thing out of my head and focus on finishing up college. I don't really speak in puns because puns are an acquired taste, or so my brother claims. I also need to understand that God is in control of the environment. I'm pretty sure that many of you are believers in God and Jesus Christ, so give me assurance and help me curb my ice and cold obsession.