A story on why humanity suffers...
One day a Pigeon escaped from the Pigeon Breeder....
The White Ploomy Pigeon went oust among a flock of pigeons preach about individualism and race...
The White Ploomy preached to his fellow.. "I the racist pigeon know that we must separate our self's like man does and create a Superior pigeon race...."
The other pigeons answered, "There is no need for there to be any race but pigeon.. We are but pigeon... We do not need some pigeons to sleep in fine nest well others sleep in gutters.... We do not need to be like man in that way..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon later on saw a group of pigeons pecking at some food a women was throwing on the ground... He spoke... "Let the whitest of us take the lions share of this food while the rest get little for the whitest are better...."
The other Pigeons answered, "There is no pigeon more deserving of food then any other.. Pigeons must simply get what they can and nothing more..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon then stuck his feet into the ground and scratched up the ground into a pattern.... "Look for I have created a great work of art... Admire my talent throughout time...."
The other Pigeons answered, "It is nice and some do like it but it will fade with time... There is no reason to admire a pigeon past their death above other pigeon for all fades into the past whatever is done...."
The White Ploomy Pigeon then sharpened up a stick and stuck it in a tree getting a bug.... "Look upon what I have invented.. It shall improve all pigeons lives..."
The other Pigeons answered, "Why do we need when we can get food now easily.... And what do we need of the rape of nature which will come with it...."
The White Ploomy Pigeon got beside another pigeon on roust then kicked and screamed, "This pigeon offends me... Let him go to the other side of the roust..."
The other Pigeons answered, "He does not peck at you or kick you... There is freedom in being able to go by the rule do not hurt those who do not hurt except in case of food..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon yelled, "Let us build a nation with law so that we may set each other apart... Let us build border and fences so that we may be better!"
The other Pigeons answered, "Should we all not enjoy the freedom of being like wind and blowing wherever we please? There is no need for this anymore then there is to build a nest on the moon..."
Soon The White Ploomy Pigeon began looking around nest trying to corrupt the youth.. So the others finally pecked his eyes and ripped his heart out... Then they said, "The white ploomy pigeon believed the great pigeon loved him more then all...Could he not see the great pigeon loves all as the the sun shines on all.. Could he not see that non have more right to the sunlight or the darkness of night then others... Man will one day burn all that is good and kill all that is lovely and then he will look upon the desert and wonder..Why was he not like the pigeon?"
One day a Pigeon escaped from the Pigeon Breeder....
The White Ploomy Pigeon went oust among a flock of pigeons preach about individualism and race...
The White Ploomy preached to his fellow.. "I the racist pigeon know that we must separate our self's like man does and create a Superior pigeon race...."
The other pigeons answered, "There is no need for there to be any race but pigeon.. We are but pigeon... We do not need some pigeons to sleep in fine nest well others sleep in gutters.... We do not need to be like man in that way..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon later on saw a group of pigeons pecking at some food a women was throwing on the ground... He spoke... "Let the whitest of us take the lions share of this food while the rest get little for the whitest are better...."
The other Pigeons answered, "There is no pigeon more deserving of food then any other.. Pigeons must simply get what they can and nothing more..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon then stuck his feet into the ground and scratched up the ground into a pattern.... "Look for I have created a great work of art... Admire my talent throughout time...."
The other Pigeons answered, "It is nice and some do like it but it will fade with time... There is no reason to admire a pigeon past their death above other pigeon for all fades into the past whatever is done...."
The White Ploomy Pigeon then sharpened up a stick and stuck it in a tree getting a bug.... "Look upon what I have invented.. It shall improve all pigeons lives..."
The other Pigeons answered, "Why do we need when we can get food now easily.... And what do we need of the rape of nature which will come with it...."
The White Ploomy Pigeon got beside another pigeon on roust then kicked and screamed, "This pigeon offends me... Let him go to the other side of the roust..."
The other Pigeons answered, "He does not peck at you or kick you... There is freedom in being able to go by the rule do not hurt those who do not hurt except in case of food..."
The White Ploomy Pigeon yelled, "Let us build a nation with law so that we may set each other apart... Let us build border and fences so that we may be better!"
The other Pigeons answered, "Should we all not enjoy the freedom of being like wind and blowing wherever we please? There is no need for this anymore then there is to build a nest on the moon..."
Soon The White Ploomy Pigeon began looking around nest trying to corrupt the youth.. So the others finally pecked his eyes and ripped his heart out... Then they said, "The white ploomy pigeon believed the great pigeon loved him more then all...Could he not see the great pigeon loves all as the the sun shines on all.. Could he not see that non have more right to the sunlight or the darkness of night then others... Man will one day burn all that is good and kill all that is lovely and then he will look upon the desert and wonder..Why was he not like the pigeon?"