I'm not quick to accept the old saying "opposites attract", because with humans, that's clearly an individualized experience. Having said that, like my wife and I, we take advantage of our differences to make the two of us better. That quote from the movie, "Jerry McGuire" comes to mind, "You complete me.", or perhaps a quote from the comedian Sinbad, when he talks about couples as they age, how you tend to lean on each other, and "between the two of you, you make one good person."
We are all aware of the difficulties with connecting with someone special, so many threads on here regarding relationships, etc. One thing that I would like to dispel is this myth that you need to find someone with similar interests or personalities. To that, I sarcastically say, "Good luck with that." My wife and I are about 90% polar opposite with regards to our interests. She is NT, I am ND. However, we are both strong, independent, highly-productive, goal-oriented people that support each other and communicate well. The supporting each other and communication is probably more the glue that keeps us together through all the ups and downs.