This issue is a classic one. I'm 39 years and 3-times divorcee and trust me, this happened with every single wife/girlfriend I ever had. Until recently, it was very frustrating and I thought I was a bad husband/boyfriend. Now that I know what's wrong, it doesn't really make me a better partner... but at least I have some medical data to ask for mercy/leniency. Anyway, here are my thoughts on the subject (nicely categorized of course):
Rarely ever happens, but sometimes I feel in the mood for going out. Several events need to happen in the right order:
a) I must have had a good sleep the night before. If I'm sleepy, I'm cranky and I don't want to go anywhere.
b) My daily doses of "pursuing my interests" must have been met. Otherwise, I'll be cranky because I'm not "pursuing my interests".
c) There must be an adequate financial support for the activity. Otherwise I'll be worried the whole day trying to remember if the bills were paid.
d) <reserved for anything else that might have forgotten at the time of writing this thread>
When all these things align, it's wonderful! I take the gf/wife out and I'm the funniest & most interesting guy on earth. I use my pattern spotting skills to find the most hilarious stuff on the surrounding environment and everybody have a great laugh and a happy day.
The Planning
Apparently, non-Aspie humans tend to be socially busy to the point that they need a schedule in order to avoid having multiple social commitments at the same time. In order to date them, you need to make an appointment days in advance. It's been pointed out to me that this social scheduling is to be called "The Planning", and that if I want to go out I should "plan ahead". Failing to properly plan ahead usually means that all free time has already been allocated to friends and family.
The Conflict
If I "plan ahead" is really a Russian roulette. When the date comes I would probably be sleepy, cranky, interested in something else, worried about money, etc etc etc. And if I don't plan ahead, when spontaneity arrives, gf/wife can't go out with me because her schedule is already full with prior commitments.
GOWC Infractions (Going Out While Cranky)
Apparently taking out the romantic partner is not enough. You have to actually want it. If you used the socially accepted "plan ahead" method and failed to spontaneously become happy on that specific date/time, you will actually lose more points that if you didn't took the girl out at all. It's been pointed out to me that this infraction is called "Going Out While Cranky", or GOWC for short, and the penalties for committing GOWC could last for years.
...and that's all I have for now..
Rarely ever happens, but sometimes I feel in the mood for going out. Several events need to happen in the right order:
a) I must have had a good sleep the night before. If I'm sleepy, I'm cranky and I don't want to go anywhere.
b) My daily doses of "pursuing my interests" must have been met. Otherwise, I'll be cranky because I'm not "pursuing my interests".
c) There must be an adequate financial support for the activity. Otherwise I'll be worried the whole day trying to remember if the bills were paid.
d) <reserved for anything else that might have forgotten at the time of writing this thread>
When all these things align, it's wonderful! I take the gf/wife out and I'm the funniest & most interesting guy on earth. I use my pattern spotting skills to find the most hilarious stuff on the surrounding environment and everybody have a great laugh and a happy day.
The Planning
Apparently, non-Aspie humans tend to be socially busy to the point that they need a schedule in order to avoid having multiple social commitments at the same time. In order to date them, you need to make an appointment days in advance. It's been pointed out to me that this social scheduling is to be called "The Planning", and that if I want to go out I should "plan ahead". Failing to properly plan ahead usually means that all free time has already been allocated to friends and family.
The Conflict
If I "plan ahead" is really a Russian roulette. When the date comes I would probably be sleepy, cranky, interested in something else, worried about money, etc etc etc. And if I don't plan ahead, when spontaneity arrives, gf/wife can't go out with me because her schedule is already full with prior commitments.
GOWC Infractions (Going Out While Cranky)
Apparently taking out the romantic partner is not enough. You have to actually want it. If you used the socially accepted "plan ahead" method and failed to spontaneously become happy on that specific date/time, you will actually lose more points that if you didn't took the girl out at all. It's been pointed out to me that this infraction is called "Going Out While Cranky", or GOWC for short, and the penalties for committing GOWC could last for years.
...and that's all I have for now..