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Thesis Questionnaire


New Member
My daughter is working on her thesis and needs some college students with neurodevelopment disorders (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disorders, Communication Disorders) who did online learning during the pandemic to do a questionnaire/interview for her thesis. The focus is on what coping skills they developed/used. If you know of someone that could participate please message me.
We largely do it if there is an incentive like your daughter hopes there will be an incentive
You would only do a questionnaire for a person's thesis about how you coped with online learning for a fee?
I largely don't bother when a parent is helping an adult student with college. My own college work is enough to deal with--if another student comes to me asking for help that is one thing, but for a parent to come finding answers for a grown-up child? I find that a bit silly.
You would only do a questionnaire for a person's thesis about how you coped with online learning for a fee?

Some people feel that way.
Some don't.

Remember each reply here is the thought
of a particular individual, and none of them
can speak for everyone.
Yep an incentive
I apologize your comment was hard to follow. "We largely do it if there is an incentive like your daughter hopes there will be an incentive" You lost me with the second part. Ok, sorry no incentive. She has no funding for that. Hopefully some others will be available.
My daughter is working on her thesis and needs some college students with neurodevelopment disorders (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disorders, Communication Disorders) who did online learning during the pandemic to do a questionnaire/interview for her thesis. The focus is on what coping skills they developed/used. If you know of someone that could participate please message me.
Hi. Eliza71. I'm new here but I see the reticence as valid. This seems a bit like trolling to me. Join to get answers from "real live autistics" sort of thing.
I can't tell if that is going on or not. In any case, I am not in the demographic from which you seek answers.
I don't normally go this far out on a limb so if this offends anyone, I am sorry for the offense.
No, Sunny, I am sorry if I have offended. Yes, I joined because I thought that this would be a way to go directly to the one of the population that my daughters thesis address. "Real live autistics" as you say. I would prefer not to go into why I am helping her my daughter, but would be happy to do so in private - don't judge.
Honestly, I have been approached in my field to share insight on many, many occasions, and as I love what I am doing and have strong opinions, have always been happy to share/participate. I have, also, mentored numerous "newbies" to help them find their path/way in my field. I have not taken the request in any other way than an opportunity to share my experience. I hope others might also see it that way. And no I have never even considered asking for compensation, but to each his own. These are college students trying to complete their thesis and graduate - not big business trying to make a buck. The thesis addresses neurodevelopment disorders of college students during covid, as much research has been done on high school student, but little on college students. If anyone is available to help, feel free to message me and I will pass the information on.
We have been getting requests like this about 2-3 times a month for the 7 years I have been here.

But you are the first parent I am aware of getting involved in the process. That seems somewhat off to me. Why isn't your daughter doing her own work on this?
Different? Maybe. As I said before, there can be MANY reasons a parent could be helping their child make contacts. Feel free to message me, if you really want to know. I could have easily come on here and pretended to be the one looking for participants myself and yet I didn't. If you are willing to participate or know someone who is, also feel free to message me and I will pass the information on to her.
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I could have easily come on here and pretended to be the one looking for participants myself and yet I didn't.

No, it would not have been easy. We can detect pretenders quite well, and usually ask a lot of questions about what the survey is for, how will it be used, the degree of privacy, the researcher's goal, etc.

We are not just academia/corperate's lab rats.

There are one or two sentences in your posts that ring true, but you're clearly hiding information in several important areas.
Despite the scattered truths, this profiles best as a scam.

I'm saying this because my personal assessment is that there's a better than 10% chance your request is actually honest, and that what's being deliberately hidden is information about you personally, which isn't necessarily unreasonable. So I have a suggestion:

At an absolute minimum, you need to provide verifiable data about the project, including a meaningfully enforceable privacy policy.

Also FWIW I don't think there is a high proportion of university students here. The proportion of aspies at university probably mirrors the population as a whole, but I think the proportion of students here is lower.

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