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things you find funny that NT's don't?


Well-Known Member
I gotta share this one...

Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because he was hit by a bus.

I remember in 2000 I fell back on my computer chair uncontrollably laughing when I first saw the "all your base" video (the one that had a bunch of shopped pictures saying the phrase). My mother or her boyfriend watched it wondering what was so funny and they just didn't get it. They knew me to laugh at weird **** though so they didn't think anything of it.

Or before that, I remember when I was a little kid I was playing Madden 93 on the genesis and there was some little glitch I guess when I punted. It read "8191 YD PUNT". I was laughing hard for a good half hour on that one.

Similar to the last one, today I still frequent a site called "the daily WTF" just to look at the error messages in the Error'd section. I find error messages hilarious, I have no idea why.
I gotta share this one...

Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because he was hit by a bus.

I remember in 2000 I fell back on my computer chair uncontrollably laughing when I first saw the "all your base" video (the one that had a bunch of shopped pictures saying the phrase). My mother or her boyfriend watched it wondering what was so funny and they just didn't get it. They knew me to laugh at weird **** though so they didn't think anything of it.

Or before that, I remember when I was a little kid I was playing Madden 93 on the genesis and there was some little glitch I guess when I punted. It read "8191 YD PUNT". I was laughing hard for a good half hour on that one.

Similar to the last one, today I still frequent a site called "the daily WTF" just to look at the error messages in the Error'd section. I find error messages hilarious, I have no idea why.

I usually see the humor where others do not, that can often happen when noticing funny phrases, or sentences that are so ridiculously wrong and constructed in ways where they do not make any sense that I just crack up.

I also share humor with other cervants, such humor is seldom but when it hits it is hilarious.

Since there are not many cervants around though it is very rare.
I had a good laugh at this one: "Why did Julie fall off the swing?" "Because she had no arms."

Nobody got it (or just didn't find it funny), besides me. I just love this kind of humor.
Similar to the last one, today I still frequent a site called "the daily WTF" just to look at the error messages in the Error'd section. I find error messages hilarious, I have no idea why.

Once I got en error message that said, "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." XD I thought it was so funny that I screencapped it and saved it to my computer.
I also know how to make custom error messages. ;)
I'm not sure that what I find funny is so terribly different from NTs, but I do know that the intensity of it varies wildly. Either everyone finds it hilarious and I don't, or it's a mediocre joke that will have me laughing to uncontrollable tears.
I don't know if it's fair to generalize with "NT's" here...maybe it would be better suited to say "most people." :) I have an odd sense of humor, to be sure. Some NTs find it funny, some NTs look at me oddly or say they don't get it, and some NTs can WAY out-weird me. :)
My sense of humour is a bit odd, but I don't think I really laugh at any one particular thing. It does confuse some people though, what I find funny. I generally laugh at things for being absurd, or cheesy, so I guess if others don't feel the same about a situation, they might raise an eyebrow. I can also make some rather cheesy jokes, though the purpose of this is more to laugh at how cheesy the joke was :P

One example of a silly situation at uni, was when we had this new lecturer, who's a nice enough guy, but appeared new to the teaching scene, as he doesn't seem to know how to approach it well yet. He managed some classes by getting students to read lines out loud from texts (like in primary school). When he first suggested this method, I couldn't help thinking it was a little ridiculous, and allowed myself a small laugh (out of earshot).
Firstly I enjoy jokes most people do not, I find absurdity, ridiculousness and explosions funny. I once made a 3000 line list of extreme and ridiculous phrases such as "anal leakage" "anal hollowing out" "anal vacuum forming" or "rectal blowtorching" because me and my two friends just found it so funny. We also like dark humour which most do not, but I mean like really dark, we make jokes about graphic deaths or disasters.
Sometimes, I love the absurd, silly and surreal humor of old BBC radio shows like The Goon show, Round the Horne and I'm Sorry I'll Read than again. Most people my age or younger don't seem to find them funny or find them weird only older people (20 years older than me at least) seem to.
I put an example down here, see if you find it funny.
I was taught not to take myself too seriously. As a result I crack me up. Others sometimes have no idea what I am laughing at, but I have a real goofy laugh that makes other people laugh. Its funny because a lot of time they ask what are we laughing at? Others will point out they are laughing at me. Then the Johnny-come-latelys will ask what did I do. And people say we don't know and that makes everyone laugh harder! I've learned to make fun of myself to break the social blockage. My AA sponsor pointed out that I overuse it, and use it as a defensive tactic when I get uncomfortable with the direction of that conversations take. I didnkt know that and have been working on not provoking laughter at inappropriate times.
Hope no one minds an NT replying; usually I don't see any difference between my sense of humor and Aspies I know. In fact, they are usually more tolerant, than most other people, of my obnoxious sense of humor. :D
I find lack of common sense funny, especially in my major interest (guns/gunsmithing). Example:
"Can I shoot .300 in my .223 gun? I mean, they're not THAT far apart" <---Actual serious question I got
At that point I had to walk away to keep from laughing.
I find lack of common sense funny, especially in my major interest (guns/gunsmithing). Example:
"Can I shoot .300 in my .223 gun? I mean, they're not THAT far apart" <---Actual serious question I got
At that point I had to walk away to keep from laughing.

That's a little scary. :eek:
Yeah. For some reason though, stuff like that, instead of being annoying or something, I find absolutely amusing. Here's another:
"So, I bought this 5" pistol, but I decided I only need a 4" model. Would it be safe to just cut a little off the end?" <---Not sure if IRL troll or serious.
I had a good laugh at this one: "Why did Julie fall off the swing?" "Because she had no arms."

Nobody got it (or just didn't find it funny), besides me. I just love this kind of humor.

OMG, I was gonna add that joke it's my favorite. I usually start losing it before I even start telling it, and everyone just looks at me like I'm totally sick. It's my all time favorite.

Also, around my work people will occasionally post inspirational or funny posters or whatever. My boss has an advice mallard poster that says "Just because something has always been done a certain way does not mean that is the correct way" that I guess he kind of considers his motto or whatever. I really just want to sneak over to his desk and hang this right on top of it
I see humor in irony and macabre situations that others apparently do not find funny. For example, I used to laugh at the surprise endings in shows like Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

One real-life incident stands out. A number of years ago I signed up to volunteer for a telephone crisis hot line. (I was trying to get into a clinical psychology graduate program and needed some counseling-related experience.) The person doing the training, Jane, spent a lot of time talking about calls they had received in the past. She was a good storyteller, and I thought a lot of the calls she described were funny. ("My girlfriend is pregnant and I don't know how it happened. We did it twice but only had one condom, so we had to reuse it. But we turned it inside out.")

Anyway, she told a story about how a director of their center had committed suicide. Everyone was distraught, and in the middle of everything one of their associates called Jane and told her she was really depressed. Jane went to see the person and tried to comfort her, saying "I know John's death has been really upsetting to all of us, but we have to get through this."

I could see where the story was going, and her timing and facial expressions were perfect.

The person she was trying to console opened her eyes wide and said, "John's dead?!!!"

I laughed out loud. I thought I was empathizing with her situation, imagining how her efforts to comfort the other person had backfired and made the situation worse. But I was the only one who laughed, and she apparently didn't think it was appropriate.

For various reasons, I eventually dropped out of the training program and never worked on the hot line. (I also never got into any of the clinical psychology programs I had applied to.)
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I watched Glee for a bit :oops: and in one episode one of the girls called Brittany, who was portrayed as not being very bright, say's "did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks" as if this were a fact that she had only recently found out about. I found it really funny, mostly because of how she says it.

Also, visuals where someone has made a really obvious mistake

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