"True Crime" and "Reality" tv shows, socialization.
my dad watches those shows all the time (Forensic Files, First 48, Cold Case Files)
if he is trying to get a point across (about online stranger danger) or who to and who not to trust, I get the point and I dont just let anyone in or accept things from just anyone, more less TV to learn what is ok and not ok to do with online friends, he thinks I will be a victim of something like that Craigslist killer.
and yes, it is something I don't like that much, but yet I will watch them too, I hate when its the same episode over and over again for a couple days in a row at same time.
another thing I don't like too much is his friendship with a woman that cracks on me and says negative comments (about body image) (she will make fun of you and not want to be around you if you look fat to her, but yet she looks like she just survived a concentration/death camp (Auschwitz?) skin and bones. so I keep my distance and she still wonders at times why I do not want to take any rides in her car with her or be round her or want to go swimming, I may miss the pool/beach but I don't miss the BS that I would get from her about my body.
my Mom: guitar, smokes and her big collection of cars
she smokes (no idea how much packs a day, but sounds like she is coughing up a lung when I talk to her (when she does answer the phone) and her guitar, she will join a (questionable) group in a band and play music with them for money (how much, I don't know), but many times all they get in the end is bragging rights that they played music.
I mean my mom will put that guitar over her own health, if shes not feeling good, she will grab her base guitar (electric guitar) and go practice or play all night, it can be any day of the week or where in TN the practice is, she is right there with the group,
I know many people love their cars and will go to great lengths to build up a nice collection, my mom, I admire she likes hearses and limos but have 15 vehicles?? and only drive 1 or 2, then tells me the city or county likes them and wants them?? (more like they think she has a used car lot and is threatening to take them away, no idea how my mom did it or how she goes on paying the registration and insurance on all the vehicles!! I know I have alot of door closers in a collection, but whenever I would tell her I got another one to add, she would sound saddened or depressed as if its a problem or hard work. so now I dont tell her when I get a new one (or add another old one to my collection)