Kevin Degidon
New Member
I work in the educational system with special needs children. I myself had a somewhat rocky childhood, despite being considered smart, especially from late adolescence on. Once, in a panic attack at a sales job years ago, (a common occurrence for me in the old days) a co-worker who was studying to be a nurse pointed out symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome to me for the first time, (I knew little of it before then). Since that time, working with children and adolescents across the spectrum, I noticed a number of familiar patterns of behavior, communications and emotional processing. It became clear to me that my old friend was right. I am interested in a number of less-known emotional patterns of aspies and others on the spectrum, both for myself and students who I work with. In particular I'm interested in delayed emotional reaction, distressed reaction and the unexpected "fight or flight" triggers, deep-pressure touch reaction and certain hypersensitivity to emotional pain. I would like to explore these type of questions with those with personal and academic knowledge of the matter.