Hi... So Im 25 and kinda been going thru this process seriously this last week.... My nephew has autism and my sister is a very educated mom because of it and wants to know everything she can to be a better mom to me.... She brought it up this week in a polite way that she is concerned for me and the way my life has been and that she believes I may have Asperger's or high functioning autism... I have been looking up alot of information to borderline becoming an insomniac because I cannot sleep without knowing more there is a fear in me with being officaoffi tested even though I exhibit almost every sign or symptom.... And I took an online test and scored a 45 and anything above a 34 was a high likelyhood of autism high functioning but, and I say this with no disrespect to anyone, I am afraid to be officallof diagnosed because I feel dumb and I am worried about being treated diffrentdif between my family and wife I have struggled in many areas and been misdiagnosed with multiple mental disorders multiple times and could never feel right or be right no matter how many medications I tried no matter how many combinations of medications or therapy or anything for that matter and the problem still persists and the more I have read and consumed knowledge from different people websites or books the more and more I am seeing signs and symptoms and being aware of what I am doing personally and things I have persistently tried to ignore to feel or look normal like everyone else... I'm struggling emotionally and mentally trying to accept or grasp the reality of having this and being properly tested for it.... Can anyone help or give me guidance or advice?