Not really "news", but check out this Tumblr blog.
As you can see, a guy stole this guy's MacBook and thanks to the help of an app called Hidden he was able to take snapshots of the bandit using his laptop and took screen-shots as well. lol
He just got caught a few hours ago.
As you can see, a guy stole this guy's MacBook and thanks to the help of an app called Hidden he was able to take snapshots of the bandit using his laptop and took screen-shots as well. lol
On March 21, 2011, my MacBook was stolen from my apartment in Oakland, CA. I reported the crime to the police and even told them where it was, but they couldn't help me due to lack of resources. Meanwhile, I'm using the awesome app, Hidden, to capture these photos of this guy who has my MacBook.

He just got caught a few hours ago.