New Member
I am a NT female who recently reconnected with a childhood friend, he was diagnosed AS in adulthood, says he tested above borderline...we are enjoying reconnecting and creating a meaningful friendship, I cannot describe the peace he gives me, in conversation, with eye contact, his straight forward, no-hidden-meaning way of speaking...the way he answers fired off question after question as we get to know each other is such a comfort. Of course we are reaching a point where we begin to see differences and I am out here seeking ways to connect or ways to understand him or to ... oh my goodness, I am an INFJ, empath, emotive, heart on my sleeve female, but along these forty some years I have had to handle my own struggles and pick myself up and I am a leader in my family of very strong independent women so I have developed a sense of self and I can exist on my own, I know that this AS-NT relationship will be unlike anything I have ever walked but I am so willing to learn and explore right now because of the peace and calm and ease this man brings to me and the deep concern I feel from him...any input helps, I am a reader, a researcher, a lifelong learner, I am open to criticism and care...have at me, please