Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say how thankful I am for discovering this site. It has greatly helped me deal with issues regarding my Aspergers. Since discovering this site I really do feel like I have improved on recognizing when my Aspergers issues crop up and stop and think about them. The most notable are my tendency to bring up anything on my mind at random (I feel this site is a better place to do that than in the general public), getting over-excited about anything new (I have actually begun to recognize how dangerously convenient some things can be), and talking to myself (which I sometimes become upset about).
Again, I would like to say how thankful I am that I discovered this website, which has helped me to deal with and get through my problems and stresses related to my Aspergers. This is a wonderful community and I hope it continues to help people on the spectrum for years to come.
Again, I would like to say how thankful I am that I discovered this website, which has helped me to deal with and get through my problems and stresses related to my Aspergers. This is a wonderful community and I hope it continues to help people on the spectrum for years to come.