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This Sucks

Something I always say: Corporations are not your friend. They dont care about you, your feelings, or anything other than profit. Which certainly includes the one behind whatever channel & production studios were involved in this.

Whatever that show he was kicked off of was supposed to be about, well... that's not what it was REALLY about. It was about the money.... nothing more.

Dont expect corporations to try to do something like "spreading awareness" or anything like that. Expect them to turn it on its head instead to spread controversy (because controversy sells). That's why they want someone with a visually "obvious" disability. It's easier for even the most braindead viewer to understand upon seeing it, and thus, guaranteed to be more of a ratings magnet.

So yeah, even if he had been on the show, it would never have been about spreading awareness of autism. It would have been about EXPLOITING it for corporate gain. Nothing more.
Even within the medical field, which I am a part of, most trained professionals do not understand what autism is nor what Asperger's is. When I bring it up with my co-workers, the usual response is no response. I had to write a very detailed letter to my manager about my sensory experience, how I navigate my world, how communication and behavior is affected, the functional neuroanatomy, etc....then,...and only then, did she have some peripheral understanding. Keep in mind, I work in one of the largest children's hospitals in the US,...and most just don't understand autism, nor are able to see it in a co-worker that has worked along side them for over 30 years. Yet, we are dealing with autistic children every day. This absolutely befuddles me. I wear my autism awareness puzzle piece on my ID badge,...have for years,...I literally had one person say something,...and this was a father of an autistic child.

So, I think there needs to be some mass media coverage on this. As I posted on another thread, there are plenty of books and documentaries, there is social media pages, YouTube channels,...yet,...here we are. The public,...even medical professionals who should know better,...are unaware unless they have been personally affected by it.
I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal that says autism is a "psychiatric disorder". Ignorance at the high level of media. They have closed the comments section for the article so I cannot respond to it. :(
I have watched him before, he is ADHD as well.
I guess all aspies are different, he seems really confident.
Yeah the media hasn't got autism right, I watched atypical, I will have a butters at the videos in his links.
His ADHD makes him talk fast.
If I have interpreted this, he is being asked to do social media on TV, you can't get an accurate portrayal of autism on social media.
I was told by an ADHD nurse and could only sit through half of this as my attention span is short, hope this post is useful.

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