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Thought disorder in Asperges/Autism

Anyone else experiencing Disorganised thoughts/thought disorder like I experience "poverty of speech" and "noise in head" and "jumbled up thoughts" and "echolalia" and pressured speech and word salad and intrusive thoughts with asperger's?.

I definitely experience poverty of speech meaning
When you live with alogia, changes in your central nervous system make it challenging to speak.

You have difficulty speaking spontaneously and may give short replies to questions (poverty of speech).

Do you experience any of these

Pressured speech
Word salad
Illogical speech

I think thought disorder is what I'm experiencing instead of pseudohallucinations or psychotic like experiences tbh.

Is thought disorder common for you?
Is disorganised thoughts/thought disorder even common in autism?
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Have you considered talking with someone at an autism research center? When I say this, it's with constructive and useful intent.

The autistic brain can take on many characteristics in the form of gross and micro-anatomical abnormalities. What you are describing certainly suggests this. Perhaps, instead of just focusing upon your symptoms, you might want some answers, the types of answers that can only be obtained through testing and imaging. Who knows, perhaps what may be learned from your example might be able to help others.

Something to consider. ;)
I experience several of these things, but I attribute it to situational processing capacity. Depending on the environment and how I am feeling, I may or may not experience these disturbances to thought and communication. None of them bother me much, but sometimes people are confused by what I am trying to say.
For me, neologism is a hobby, not an illness.
  1. I favor Greek-based neologisms.
  2. I also do Latin-based neologisms from time-to-time.
  3. Two of my daughters' middle names are Hebrew-based neologisms.
That hobby is fed by my interest in etymology & onomastics.

In engineering, we used to say,
"Any flaw that is met with approval is a feature...!" ;)
Kelly Clarkson Raise Hand GIF
Me too, any of your list, sometimes singly, sometimes piled on. @Rodafina correctly pointed out the situational aspect. Snowballing is not uncommon if I don't catch my own cues and separate myself. Do not know if it is the ASD or the ADD or the intersection, but doesn't really matter. It just is and I am still learning.

My husband is tired of hearing the words (either the avalanche or the "my brain quit working" sentence) so I try to spend more time alone.
My husband is tired of hearing the words (either the avalanche or the "my brain quit working" sentence) so I try to spend more time alone.
The words I use are “word brain tired” or “word brain dead.” People here seem to get it right away, but I have not had that reaction to people I interact with outside of the forum.

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