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Thoughts on change (illustrated)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I know many of us struggle with change, the idea of change, love our routines

One of our popular downtown areas along the Bow River has been undergoing a major re-design and construction, and it feels like it's been taken away as the work will take two or three years

I have many fond memories of spending time there in all seasons (prior to construction)

This is the current view of what is going on - that bridge is new, and thinking on the weekend as I looked across the lagoon... The new design probably won't even resemble what was there before (that's the idea), and I'm impatient when something is taken away, yet if I'm patient (which I struggle with) perhaps the new design will be really nice and worth waiting for...

That's all, and this is the photo, not my best photo as the sky was hard to expose for that day, but it does illustrate the concept

Eau Claire 01.jpg
Perfect shot. I can clearly identify and appreciate the composition of this photo. The water reminds me of liquid silver. I can see this really blown up. What's interesting is the buildings seem so far from the water, yet l can identify shadows. It's a mind twister.
I've seen this type of change take place everywhere up and down the suncoast
I liked the natural, untouched nature that was here when I arrived.
In the 35 years I've lived here, it has all been ruined for my taste.
Nature to high-rise apts. and hotels with people everywhere.
Not my cup of tea.

I don't even go to the beaches now. Rather go inland to natural preserves
and swamplands.

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