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Well-Known Member
I have a history of problems with being tidy. I volunteer at my local library, but have been told several times to arrange books in a tidier fashion.

I also scan documents for a psychiatrist, and I was addressed today about keeping them tidy while in their folders.
I am overly tidy. I keep things neatly arranged, I make my bed everyday and pick up my clothes. When working, I always pick up my tools, or keep them neatly arranged by my side until I can put them away. People say I am too "Anal", they also call me "Tidy Guy".
I used to be really messy as a kid, but now I usually have everything I don't regularly use put away, and the things I do regularly use have their places and must always be in those places unless I'm using them. Sometimes things like receipts and other random things I'm keeping but not using still pile up, though.
I live in organized chaos which really is very untidy. I struggle with finding the right place to put something so I don't forget about it because once its out of sight it is out of mind too!
I live in organized chaos which really is very untidy. I struggle with finding the right place to put something so I don't forget about it because once its out of sight it is out of mind too!
This is why I found peace in my tidiness. I too could not keep track of things and I would suffer frustration.

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