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Time for me to lose a third of my body weight!


The point to life is there is no point.
V.I.P Member
If I can lose 100lbs, I would be at a decent weight for a guy my height.

Shame most of that excess weight is right in my belly, in the visceral fat surrounding my organs, the most unhealthy way for my body to be storing that fat.

I am going to start by giving up all liquid calories.

I am going to continue by drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day.

I will keep myself around 2,200 calories a day and stop eating out as often as I have been doing.

I will do an hour of cardio twice a day starting today.

I am tired of the shaming I keep getting from my family regarding my weight. I know if I lost this weight they would only find something else to shame me over, but I do want to live longer and healthier.
Good luck on your journey.

I tried gaining weight from the gym. But it seems like I went too heavy too quickly, and now I have "lifters elbow" for the past 3 weeks, and it's not improving. So there's a multitude of exercises that I must avoid for now.

I must admit I don't have much love for cardio.

Great, maybe we can use this thread to report accountability. with your permission first. Today l did pre- Valentines celebration. So tomorrow is my start date for kettlebells.

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