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Time Machine game


Well-Known Member
Write the name of a date or historical era in which the person below you will have to live.
Write the name of the occupation/social status/lifestyle you would choose if you got catapulted into the era chosen by the poster above you.

Remember, you can't choose the time in which you live. But, you can choose what kind of life you would have in that era.
You do choose what decade, century, etc, the person below you will live in.

Oh, it can't be our present time.

I'll start.
I would choose to be an opera singer... an acceptable profession for females at that time, and one that would earn me a decent living. (And, yes, I could sing opera.) My social status as an opera singer would be half-decent, but better if I was married. I'm not sure if I'd be married, though. I'd probably be living in some kind of bigger city, and/or traveling around to perform. Most likely I'd be spending a lot of time in America.

For the next person I choose... the 1950s.
Being the fifties, women were expected to become domestic goddesses, and raise a family. As I would like to have a bit more fun with this, I instead join the revolution of women's rights, who defy this stereotype, by going to work (even if it meant earning a lower wage than men did).

To make things even more interesting though, as well as to earn a better living, I become an actress; working alongside greats, such as Audrey Hepburn, and Judy Garland.

My social status of course will be grand, as I flaunt the red carpet with my lush, fur coats, and large, over-sized hats, and lavish in the adoration of my many fans, and suitors. I am invited to many important cocktail parties, and probably appear in many headlines, from all the scandals I partake in. I retire comfortably, as my royalties pay for my early retirement.

For the next person, 1492
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I'd be a rat catcher, so I could keep the cute ones as pets. Also, I'd live in one of the Papal States and do anything I could to assist the new Jewish refugees from Spain settle in.

218 BC
You should have been a history major ;)

Write the name of a date or historical era in which the person below you will have to live.
Write the name of the occupation/social status/lifestyle you would choose if you got catapulted into the era chosen by the poster above you.

Remember, you can't choose the time in which you live. But, you can choose what kind of life you would have in that era.
You do choose what decade, century, etc, the person below you will live in.

Oh, it can't be our present time.

I'll start.
I am living in 218BC, although I don't know that it is 'before' anything. As usual, I am existing in 'now.'
My location is the south-west area of what will eventually be called the USA. I am a potter.
Recently I have been experimenting some of the left over globs of clay, flattening them, and making marks on them with a stick. The marks equate one-to-one with the number of baskets of grain the tribe managed to produce this season. I think I will call this "counting"...or maybe "accounting." Haven't decided yet.

I send the next person to post to the year 1914.
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It's 1914 and I am part of the Christmas truce, played a game of soccer in no mans land and mused on the absurd pathos of the situation before some silly blighter mistakenly grabbed an essential component of the time catapult instead of the ball as seen here


I must say he did deliver a splendid corner which resulted in a jolly good goal, which was a tremendous achievement considering the bloody Germans insisted on wearing their spikey helmets which led to the deflation of many a brave soccer ball. after the goal was scored the time catapult cranked and flew the next poster to the year

I'm on my deathbed, thinking about the weird object I saw in the sky 57 years ago. (Not very creative, is it.)

It's going to be splendid. Mamma & Papa say that I can accompany them to the concert. It's going to be on Christmas Day. There will even be some women singing. My uncle and brother are members of the group and my aunt has been invited to sing, too, although she can't be a member, of course. Only men can be members. But just think! She was invited by the Handel and Haydn Society to sing on Christmas. It is wonderful to live in these modern times in Boston.

Now that I will 15 in April of next year , I will put my hair up, and go on lots of picnics next summer. I love to go on picnics in the summer. Nothing can spoil the pleasure of anticipating a summer of picnics and catching butterflies. Nothing. I am 15 and young lady. Well, almost 15. The Summer of 1816 will be a memorable one for me. I just feel that it will.

SPOILER: Year Without a Summer in New England, 1816

TIME MACHINE: the year 1952 A.D.
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That summer (1816) apparently sucked.
I got into the Time Machine and sent myself off to 1952.

Central heating and television.
I have been watching a new show, just started a couple months ago.
Comes on in the morning. The Today Show.
I like the chimp.

I will stay here. Sending the Time Machine off to:

2020 (A.D.)
@tree , first of all, I must say, Happy birthday from the far off Future-ture-ture-ture-ture.

Tree of 2015, I don't want to alarm you, but I come bearing good tidings from the year 2022. You don't know me, but I am friends with the you of the future.

I have lived through 2020, and we do not speak of it. Nothing too awful happened. There was a pandemic, but like, we got it under control, pretty fast. It wasn't like one of those scary ones on movies. It was kind of like a bad cold for most people, but it was dangerous for the elderly and immunocomprised. We all wore masks, and stayed home a lot, in order to protect them. We made some mistakes along the way, and caused a lot of unnecessary social isolation for the elderly and those in hospitals, but we really meant well, and did a lot of good.

School was cancelled for all children, all around the world, and some wouldn't see a classroom again for two years. Homeschooling's super popular now, so, in the crowds we run in, that's a cool thing, but there's less playgroups, you know, pandemic and all.

Politics get a little crazy in 2020. I'd suggest just voting for someone moderate. Not too crazy on either side. Encourage all your friends to do the same. Trust me, it's for the best.

And I would avoid all major cities during the summer of 2020. Just enjoy your farms and idyllic surroundings. Do some baking and canning. Spend time with your kids.

In 2020, it becomes really trendy for the youth to consider Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, and First Responders as heroes. Young people cheer them on, bring them food and care packages, and make thousands of videos praising them.

Some really good stuff happens though. People around the world, even though we're mostly staying home, will start thinking more about how they've been treating women and minorities. It's pretty incredible what happens. Some really bad stuff comes out of it (mostly from youth who mean well, but do more harm than good), but really awesome stuff happens too, and people take account of their own internal prejudices, and you see more people of color in lead roles on tv and movies. Also, regions start recognizing that the land they live and work on was once Indian Land. So, for instance, at the park we like to visit, there is a sign that says "This Is Kalapuya Land". People also start recognizing the plight of Missing and Murdered Indian Women, and it becomes a big, beautiful movement.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this. You're totally not going to believe it, but Donald Trump was our president for four years. Yes, the famous billionaire. He was followed by Senator Joe Biden, who is our current president. Hey, we have a female Vice President right now. That's something for the history books.

I don't want to get into political opinions on either side, or reveal any world events, because that would screw with The Space-Time Continuum.

Um... around 2020, suddenly eyebrows get super thick. Like, people practically draw caterpillars on their faces. I like natural beauty, but this is pretty extreme.

There's this cool show, you should get excited about. It's called The Mandalorian. It is based on Star Wars, and takes place five years after Return of the Jedi. Somehow, it becomes the glue that holds society together during the pandemic.

Remember to love your neighbor during this time in the future, and to keep in touch with your elderly loved ones.

It gets better, I promise.

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