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Tomb of Thutmose II found in Egypt


Transparent turnip
V.I.P Member
This is the first rock-cut tomb found since King Tut.

Archeologists have had Thutmose' mummy for a long time, but didn't know where the original tomb was located.

Now they do.

Too bad the tomb was looted long ago and the Pharoah's body dumped elsewhere.
The archeologist who found that tomb thinks they know where the second tomb is, and are hoping to find artifacts there.

Important mummies got moved around, back in the day, in an attempt to save them from destruction by tomb robbers - which is why they had the mummy without knowing where the original tomb was located.

A historic game of "Hide the Body" : ) .
History is endlessly weird and amusing.

Since the present always becomes history, I bet that future people will be laughing at us.

The Egyptians had mummies, the Romans had togas. I'm pretty certain the thing we'll be remembered for are high heeled ladies and men with ties.

Think about it.

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