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Tony Attwood

Ronald Zeeman

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Just watched U tube video from this psychologist, seems to have a handle on who we are. I generally distrust the soft sciences. IF you are an Aspie like I am would recommend. watching it.
Google his name in the forum's search box and you may be surprised how many pages of comments it generates. When I first came to this forum years ago his name came up a lot, and on mostly a positive note.
Tony has written a good book "The complete Guide to Autism".
He has a son with ASC - whom he only realised later in life was on the spectrum.
I really like the way he explains things. in a not too serious, playful way. I would also recommend watching him. Also got his book laying around here.

(Could it Be Aspergers? - Tony Attwood) if anyone is interested
Just watched U tube video from this psychologist, seems to have a handle on who we are. I generally distrust the soft sciences. IF you are an Aspie like I am would recommend. watching it.
His book was one I was given to help me accept my diagnosis and to give my parents more information.
His book "the complete guide to aspergers" and the one made by temple grandin "the autistic brain" are probably the only books worth reading on autism. Tony attwood does get a bit into inspirational porn from time to time.
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I liked the fact that he discredited a few things that I know are personally true about myself. That other so called experts except as dogma. in real science it's all about can a theory be falsified. I really do not trust any of the soft sciences. To many examples of mistakes they have made do to lack of rigor. similar to Jordan Peterson, he has a bit of a controversial reputation. I guess this science has some work to do, include Dr. Phil on this list.
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Just watched U tube video from this psychologist, seems to have a handle on who we are. I generally distrust the soft sciences. IF you are an Aspie like I am would recommend. watching it.
This man has his own way of talking about ASD. I think he means well but generelise too much or make inappropiate jokes abour ASD.
He says that people with ASD have found something more interesting that socialising. But many of us care very much about socialising and being part of groups.
I read some of the critics, Most of us Aspies are loners, do not concern ourselves with what others think of us, which seems to be the biggest, criticism I suspect lot of Nt's at former positions joked about my mannerism's behind my back. Did not lose a lot of time thinking about it. Also know they had a great deal of respect for my unusual abilities. If he is able to assist the community he has my support.

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