I don't want to . .
1. taking an online course that I'm having a hard time keeping up with and doing a quality job on
2. help manage a property
3. be berated for doing my own interests such as ride sharing because if I "have the time to do this", I must have time to manage property.
I can't expect to do everything I like, or at least not 100%, but if my life is squeezed out of me, then it really doesn't feel like a life.
1. taking an online course that I'm having a hard time keeping up with and doing a quality job on
2. help manage a property
3. be berated for doing my own interests such as ride sharing because if I "have the time to do this", I must have time to manage property.
I can't expect to do everything I like, or at least not 100%, but if my life is squeezed out of me, then it really doesn't feel like a life.