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Took personality test for job interview


New Member
When I was diagnosed, I took a lot of tests. AQ, Adult Aspergers Assessment, Ravens Matrix, MMPI2, etc. The MMPI seemed like random, isolated questions. Crazy how accurate that thing was.

Just took a personality test today for a prospective job. This is pretty accurate as well.

The Predictive Index.

I also added my RDOS results as well for some perspective. Not sure I like others being able to pinpoint me like that.

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I always thought it was weird some jobs make applicants take personality tests. Good luck with the job hunt!
Thanks. It's essentially the first I've done, myself. There was also a cognitive test I was asked to do as well. Lots of logic questions, pattern matching, pattern incongruity, attention to detail tricks, a little math and a few ambiguity questions. Pretty simple.

I have an interview with the Dev Hiring Manager for the company, a mid-sized tech firm, tomorrow.

I hope it goes well. I could really use a win and it looks like a great company to work for.
The primary purpose of a “personality” test is to “screen out” people who are highly qualified, but tend to be “too honest”

I doubt any HR person would admit that, but that may be one purpose. I had a boss who once told me I was too honest and cared too much about doing my job well. I ended up having a meltdown on the job, and leaving that company.
The primary purpose of a “personality” test is to “screen out” people who are highly qualified, but tend to be “too honest”

The primary purpose is to screen for job fit. One job test I had the hiring manager admitted that they were screening out team and socially motivated candidates. They needed people who could work alone.
Being "too honest" might be a bad fit for some jobs but not all.

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