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Trance music for anxiety and depression


Leader of the otaku legion!
I listen to trance music to calm my anxiety and uplift me from depression, I call it music therapy.https://youtu.be/SBcSlXn6DAI?feature=shared I hope you'll like my play list I can post more.
Never was my style. I like stuff with discernable patterns, which some might find repetitive, but I get my kicks from the shifting and dynamism behind them, and trance is a more repetitive kind of repetitive.
Ambient drives me bonkers, but anything uptempo is ok by me. Techno, house, anything that is very heavily electronicized, heavily uptempo with a heavy backbeat.
I have ambient music playing through part of the house all day and listen to it while reading here, on You Tube. Listening to some right now.

The only time I listen to other more popular music is when driving.
In my deepest adolescent-depression days, I got really into Merzbow and other extreme jarring staticky noise music for a few years. Which is odd, because now I'm an adult, it unsettles me and gives me no pleasure or comfort, only a headache and a sense of panic or impending doom--a good sign for my emotional state, probably. I think certain music fits us in different seasons of our life.

Even in my 30s though, I still do love some trance & techno. Only the lighter, more melodic/harmonic songs, and only y2k-era, though. My forever favourite is 'Re-Sublimity' by the female Japanese songwriter & producer KOTOKO--it meant a lot to me at 15 and it still does now. The lyrics are so poetic, and the MV aesthetic and direction is beautiful (a captive angel finding freedom).

Dreamstate Logics has a nice mix of sounds.
I always wished there could be a way of having a screen on the ceiling above the bed to show videos like this to sleep by.


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