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Trouble with my digital music collection


Well-Known Member
I've been having trouble with WIndows Media Player - it suddenly refuses to play any music I download from Amazon or Bamdcamp unless I convert it to mp3 with YouTube Downloader first (even though it's already mp3). I have a lot of music from Amazon and I didn't want to devote hours to converting every single song one by one, so I asked for help on Yahoo! Answers (not the best place to go for serious help, I know, but it seemed like a quick and easy way to get advice, and it's helped me before).
Someone suggested KM Player so I gave that a try. I ended up not liking it, so I uninstalled it, but I found that it had actually converted every audio file on my computer (and I'm a music junkie so that's a LOT; over a thousand items, maybe two thousand), and now even the ones that aren't from Amazon are unplayable in Media Player. I tried restarting my computer (probably a stupid and useless thing to do, but I couldn't think of anything else) and it didn't help.
What should I do? Am I going to have to devote a lot of hours to converting them after all - and not just the Amazon files, but ALL the files?
Someone else suggested VLC, but I'm reluctant to try any other player right now, even though WMP will still not play any unconverted Amazon music... ugh. I don't know what to do. I feel like my collection has been destroyed. My mom thinks maybe Amazon did this on purpose because they want me to use their player, but I don't want to give them their way, especially not after what they've done to my collection.
I just checked two video projects, one in Sony Vegas Pro and one in Windows Movie Maker. They're using audio and video files that KM Pooper converted, but they play in the preview window just fine, like normal. I'm hesitant to modify them until I get this all sorted out, though. -_-
I use VLC player exclusively because it usually plays anything I throw at it...what is the file extension for amazon music? I can check to see if it will play what they use :)

If you can,provide me with the other file extensions that will not play as well...
Yeah, maybe. I don't know what extension Amazon uses, nor do I know how to find out.
Okay, I tried converting one video file... and it didn't work. The file is the same KMPooper file it was before. This sounds drastic but I'm going to try a system restore as my whole system seems to have been messed up by that program.

UPDATE: Just finished the system restore. It put my files back the way they were before KMPooper, which is a relief to me. Somehow, my Amazon/Bandcamp music now works in Windows Media Player just like it used to. I don't know what happened between the 12th and the 16th (restore points; the problem started on the 15th, for the record) to make them not work, but they work now. Hmm... I've realized it can't have been Amazon trying to force me into their player, because files from Bandcamp didn't work either.
Okay, so the problem is solved, and I'm almost ready to ask an admin to delete this thread - but first, does anyone have an idea of what could have caused the problem? I didn't do anything out of the ordinary between the restore points.
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Umm, sounds like maybe the files weren't converted. Maybe just the file association was changed. I hate applications that just assume that they can take over ownership.

I also get frustrated with applications that refuse to play a file simply because the file extension is 'wrong'.

I'm also a fan of VLC media player.
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Maybe not converted, but surely changed and rendered unusable. It looked like a conversion to me because the icons were changed to the KMP logo, and then when I uninstalled KMP, they changed to blank pieces of paper instead of paper with blue notes on them.
Right now I'm just baffled as to why WMP had a problem with those files in the first place... it didn't happen due to an update or anything.
I like VLC player, although mostly because it's a simple way of getting a lot of free video codecs one might otherwise have to pay for unless their DVD player comes with a proprietary software package. I keep everything in .MP3 format, although I have other software to convert to a number of alternative formats.

I'm still able to run MP3Maker 10 Deluxe on Windows 7.
On my experience, foobar2000 is by far the best music player for Windows. Incredibly lightweight, but it can do quite a lot if you're willing to try different plugins and submit to a slight learning curve. I never had any use for WMP.

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