So I have a question for people. I have an ex-friend who got me into my doll collecting she also works with me (yah I know its a pain in the butt). We are also on the same doll forum on the Internets called DOA (den of angels). I always feel like I can't go to things because of her and her other friend who also used to be my friend. Every year she has a BJD mini doll meet for Halloween. Now Last year when she uninvited me because she didn't want me to be there because she didn't want to be friends with me anymore was hurtful but understandable. This year, she posts to several people where I can see it that she is still having her wonderful party and and reminding people to come all the while it feels like a big giant poke in the gut saying you're not invited to the party...I don't know what to do. Plus she already had said she was going to the doll meet in November. I can barely deal with her at work. It is giving me anxiety just thinking about her being there with them standing their like they are the queens of dolls and everyone else is beneath them.
I have always been made to feel too that my dolls are inferior to theirs. I am having real trouble with how to move forward and still enjoy the hobby that I love even though they got me into it. I needs help.
I have always been made to feel too that my dolls are inferior to theirs. I am having real trouble with how to move forward and still enjoy the hobby that I love even though they got me into it. I needs help.