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Trying to break the routine


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
As an autistic, the risk of falling into the same routine everyday is a serious problem.

When I'm in the mood and I've got the time, I try to do things at different times, talking with different people, exploring different places, all in "autistic safe mode", without excesses.

Some of you tried something similar or it's just my issue?
What is the issue here? You falling into the same routine or doing things differently just to change things up? For me it's neither really, as I'm not particularly worried about falling into a routine.
A lot of it depends entirely on the context of the individual, the habits, and behaviors.

I have routines centered around my pets, plants, meal planning, and chores. All beneficial to the health and happiness of my pets and maintenance of my home space.
I did the same things daily but its not on a strict schedule. I fall into a rut. Same foods, same , same rituals.
And sometime, I'll experience some great moment. Ex: I went to the thrift store, and got home in the rain, put on big bang theory for the first time while I decorated my tree. I captured such a memorable moment, and I always try to recapture. Same with Goonies...I watched Goonies every day for months because it reminded me of the 80's and the nostalgia is incredibly strong.
I do like to safely explore, and I suppose I do fall into routines, then I try doing something different. Going somewhere new, or a new craft or interest. Make a timetable sometimes, to fit in things I am not fitting in.
Being super scatterbrained, sometimes I have to reel my chaotic tendencies back in order to make progress with the things I want to do. For highly creative people, inserting limits and attempting to create somewhat of a mini-rut can actually be beneficial, but I can see why a lot of people would need more of the opposite.

I think it's normal for people (even NTs) to fall into routines of some sort. I just seem to be the opposite

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