Hi everyone! I'm a young woman in my early 20s who is trying to understand why I feel so out of synch with the rest of the world. It was only a year ago that my mum jokingly said that I'm an aspie because I find it very hard if not impossible to give up my seat at the dining table lol. She was just joking but I started to research the topic and have now read a lot, both online and in books. There are some things that just fits me completely, and it makes me draw a sigh of relief in one way because I like having it explained. But there are also a lot of things that I feel do not apply to me. I've read a lot specifically about women with Asperger's and I really liked the book Aspergirls by Rudy Simone. It almost convinced me that I'm on the spectrum too, but what stops me from being completely convinced is that I don't feel entirely as lost when it comes to friends as many people describe. It seems as though it is taken for granted that you must be so "wierd", or perhaps alternative is a better word, that you have suffered from bullying and had a really hard time being liked by your peers. I was never bullied, thank God. If I'm an aspie I must be really blessed in that area. I never had a hard time making friends in the sense that people have always reached out to me and wanted to socialize with me. The hard time for me was "clicking" with someone. As a child I didn't want to play the same games. I was a little loner who loved to read, and I read one book every day. I didn't enjoy dressing up, or prank calling or putting up a show or anything like that which the other kids seemed to enjoy. Still I got asked almost every day from different kids if I wanted to play with them and I was considered to have a lot of friends. But it didn't stop me from crying because I felt very lonely and didn't feel like I had any friends. I knew I had people to socialize and play with, but it didn't give me the same feeling it seemed to be giving others...
That feeling still stays with me. I'm having a hard time "connecting" with people. I have a genuine love for people in a way, but I can't stand being around them for too long lol. I still have a lot of people who want to hang out with me. But a lot of the time I feel like it's not on my terms? God, maybe I'm just a terrible person who doesn't understand she is very blessed People seem to like me, but I'm finding it hard to reciprocate the feeling. Maybe it's because I get so beyond words exhausted from socializing for too long.
How do you know if you're on the spectrum?! I'll make a little list here with my traits that I feel do apply and the one's that don't, and I'd be very happy to hear your opinion on the matter; could I be an aspergirl?
Makes me feel aspie:
1: I crave a lot of alone time and feel out of synch with others.
2: I have severe sensory issues. Especially with noises, touch and somewhat smells.
3: I've done good academically, but my attendance in school was always rubbish. I'd go for one day and then need to rest for two... It was just too much!!
4: I use repetitive finger patterns to calm down, as well as rocking and humming. (Rocking and humming only when alone though).
5: I can't stand it when someone messes with the order of things in my home, or borrows my phone or laptop, I need to know where they are at all times for some reason that I don't even know.
6: My working experience so far has been bad. I'm a nurse and the hectic days, surrounded with people and noises and running back and forth is killing me. I'm genuinly concerned I might not be able to stand it.
7: I have special interests. Not that quirky maybe, but I did decide from age 7 to read one book a day and I did until the age of 13. Now it is music.
8: I suffer from depression meltdowns as described in Rudy Simones book.
9: I have temper meltdowns too.
10: I'm very truthful.
Makes me question my place on the spectrum:
1: I don't think I'm bad at socializing. It takes a huuuuge amount of energy to interact with others, but frankly I don't think an outsider would have any idea how draining I find it to be. I guess I seem very well adjusted.
2: I'm better than most at reading body language and other non-verbal messages. I've read several books on those topics and I feel like I understand. Also if there's someone in the room with a bad mood, or bad energy as I call it, I'm usually the one who picks up on it first and it affects me very much...
3: Nobody ever complained that I was wierd, and people tend to want to be friends with me...
4: I have some control over my temper meltdowns, truthtelling and self-soothing behaviours. I rarely do it with other people. Except with a few individuals that I really love. There are two people to whom I can never keep anything inside, I just feel so strongly compelled to tell the truth and question anything that isn't "right". It's impulsive and unstoppable with them, but it's not with others? They've also witnessed my meltdowns, but when with others I always manage to surpress the meltdown until I'm alone. I have run out of parties several times and went home and had a meltdown, but still it seems more controlled then it is for a lot of the people I read about?
Thank you for your time, and any thoughts and insight you can offer on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Miri
That feeling still stays with me. I'm having a hard time "connecting" with people. I have a genuine love for people in a way, but I can't stand being around them for too long lol. I still have a lot of people who want to hang out with me. But a lot of the time I feel like it's not on my terms? God, maybe I'm just a terrible person who doesn't understand she is very blessed People seem to like me, but I'm finding it hard to reciprocate the feeling. Maybe it's because I get so beyond words exhausted from socializing for too long.
How do you know if you're on the spectrum?! I'll make a little list here with my traits that I feel do apply and the one's that don't, and I'd be very happy to hear your opinion on the matter; could I be an aspergirl?
Makes me feel aspie:
1: I crave a lot of alone time and feel out of synch with others.
2: I have severe sensory issues. Especially with noises, touch and somewhat smells.
3: I've done good academically, but my attendance in school was always rubbish. I'd go for one day and then need to rest for two... It was just too much!!
4: I use repetitive finger patterns to calm down, as well as rocking and humming. (Rocking and humming only when alone though).
5: I can't stand it when someone messes with the order of things in my home, or borrows my phone or laptop, I need to know where they are at all times for some reason that I don't even know.
6: My working experience so far has been bad. I'm a nurse and the hectic days, surrounded with people and noises and running back and forth is killing me. I'm genuinly concerned I might not be able to stand it.
7: I have special interests. Not that quirky maybe, but I did decide from age 7 to read one book a day and I did until the age of 13. Now it is music.
8: I suffer from depression meltdowns as described in Rudy Simones book.
9: I have temper meltdowns too.
10: I'm very truthful.
Makes me question my place on the spectrum:
1: I don't think I'm bad at socializing. It takes a huuuuge amount of energy to interact with others, but frankly I don't think an outsider would have any idea how draining I find it to be. I guess I seem very well adjusted.
2: I'm better than most at reading body language and other non-verbal messages. I've read several books on those topics and I feel like I understand. Also if there's someone in the room with a bad mood, or bad energy as I call it, I'm usually the one who picks up on it first and it affects me very much...
3: Nobody ever complained that I was wierd, and people tend to want to be friends with me...
4: I have some control over my temper meltdowns, truthtelling and self-soothing behaviours. I rarely do it with other people. Except with a few individuals that I really love. There are two people to whom I can never keep anything inside, I just feel so strongly compelled to tell the truth and question anything that isn't "right". It's impulsive and unstoppable with them, but it's not with others? They've also witnessed my meltdowns, but when with others I always manage to surpress the meltdown until I'm alone. I have run out of parties several times and went home and had a meltdown, but still it seems more controlled then it is for a lot of the people I read about?
Thank you for your time, and any thoughts and insight you can offer on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Miri