Here's my situation, I've been picking up a camera to take photos - fairly seriously - for just over 10 years, evolving into mostly urban/street photography...
All of a sudden street photography is becoming popular, nothing wrong with that...
I'm just finding that, as the guy who has been doing street photography for over 10 years, that many of the people who only recently started doing it are being far more successful, and I just don't feel like I'm getting much respect...
More specifically, one guy in particular and his friends... I first met him in February 2017 when we were both doing portfolio reviews, his comments about what I showed him were positive, and I thought his work was quite interesting too...
In the last few months our paths have crossed again, now he is the art show curator for a local cafe, there is a show this month to which I applied, I never even heard back from him except some really vague things he was looking for, that he didn't like anything I submitted at all...
He also is part of a small group of photographers, informally, who have their own clique and I'm getting the sense that I'm not "cool" enough for them, that I will never be good enough for them... Tonight was the reception for the show, I never got an invite even... He "said" back that maybe something will work out, but I have my doubts, I'm not even on his radar at this point... He can say nice things to me all he wants but I know he is two faced, maybe that is too harsh to say but that's what it feels like to me...
Talking with a good NT friend and photographer tonight, he also struggles with dealing with the same person, I probably should just let it go and move on, but it still bugs me...
It just reminds me of another photographer a few years who pretty much insulted me to my face, said I wasn't "good enough", "professional enough" for the show he was curating, I know it's not true but he made me feel like dirt, still bother me sometimes to this day...
All of a sudden street photography is becoming popular, nothing wrong with that...
I'm just finding that, as the guy who has been doing street photography for over 10 years, that many of the people who only recently started doing it are being far more successful, and I just don't feel like I'm getting much respect...
More specifically, one guy in particular and his friends... I first met him in February 2017 when we were both doing portfolio reviews, his comments about what I showed him were positive, and I thought his work was quite interesting too...
In the last few months our paths have crossed again, now he is the art show curator for a local cafe, there is a show this month to which I applied, I never even heard back from him except some really vague things he was looking for, that he didn't like anything I submitted at all...
He also is part of a small group of photographers, informally, who have their own clique and I'm getting the sense that I'm not "cool" enough for them, that I will never be good enough for them... Tonight was the reception for the show, I never got an invite even... He "said" back that maybe something will work out, but I have my doubts, I'm not even on his radar at this point... He can say nice things to me all he wants but I know he is two faced, maybe that is too harsh to say but that's what it feels like to me...
Talking with a good NT friend and photographer tonight, he also struggles with dealing with the same person, I probably should just let it go and move on, but it still bugs me...
It just reminds me of another photographer a few years who pretty much insulted me to my face, said I wasn't "good enough", "professional enough" for the show he was curating, I know it's not true but he made me feel like dirt, still bother me sometimes to this day...