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Trying to get myself out of a “food loop”


Cat and Guinea Pig mom
Not sure if this is the best board to post this in but it didn’t seem like it really fit in any of the others.

For the past few weeks I’ve found myself stuck in what I call a “food loop” where I only want to eat one type of food, or food from a specific restaurant. This month it’s Taco Bell. I do eat food other than Taco Bell, but it doesn’t seem to satisfy me as much as it would normally. Even if I have just eaten and I am no longer hungry, I still want Taco Bell. I’ve eaten Taco Bell at least 5 times in the past two weeks, and while it’s delicious every time, and I don’t regret getting it, I’m getting kind of annoyed that regular foods that I cook myself and love are not satisfying me right now.

Does anyone have any tips for getting out of the loop?
I tend to go with it, and after a while it seems to run it's course. I got to really like those burgers you can microwave a while ago, despite normally being quite a healthy eater. They were utterly yummy for weeks. Until they weren't.

But literally for a couple of years now, I have mostly eaten salads made with a lot of different items, including homegrown seasonal vegetables, with chicken, salmon or other cold meat. And muesli with fruit, yoghurt and chocolate soya pudding for breakfast. Still loving it.
Think we hit stages of different food we need. Sometimes our body is craving a vitamin, mineral, or whatever. Maybe buy a decent multivitamin and zinc helps with not catching unnamed current virus. Then you can swing with your food choices. I have cute gummies that are multivitamins from the healthfood store.

Maybe see if you can replicate the taco bell taste at home. Tacos, tortillas, beans, cheese can be found at your grocery store.

Asian philosophy is that we should get 5 tastes in to a meal, sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter.

My taste choice is crunchy and creamy, those are additional things l crave. Plain yogurt gives me creamy and sour, my go tos. As a kid - l loved sour tarts candy and green apples that make your mouth pucker.

Maybe identify what your choices are; crunchy and sour -pickles, salty- potato chips, sweet, creamy- gelato. So l guess think about what you like and then find an equivalent.

If you like creamy and crunchy- celery sticks with real or faux soft cheese, you could even top with crunchy stuff on top.

So the universe is your palette, seek and conquer. Lol
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Gosh I miss Taco Bell, no more cheese for me darn it! I’d go with it too, as long as your eating something else healthy to balance I don’t see anything wrong with it if it makes you happy. I love their food!

Try juicing to get your electrolytes and vitamins, it’s of course important to keep your body running but I don’t see a problem with having what you want as long as your eating healthy things too.

Taco bell makes me think crunchy( tacos) creamy (refried beans) smooth too (cheesy ). Soft (soft tacos) Creamy (avocado), spicy (hot sauce) salty (anything there). You best are able to identify your food choices you like.

You could buy soft tacos at store, refried beans in a can, fry up protein choice, buy salsa or make salsa, buy sour cream also, smash up avocado and buy some taco seasoning and you created your own taco bell. Make some rice in rice cooker, cook some peppers, tomatoes, onions + protein choice, add some salsa, maybe shredded cheese, nuke it and voila a taco bell protein bowl, you will make your mom cry (she knows you aren't starving).
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Taco Bell makes that easy. They put something out there that goes over very well, then they take it away.

Once it's gone for the duration, so much for that particular food loop. C'est la vie.

Went back to making tacos at home. About the most cooking I do these days. But I have to say, I still love that Grande Nachos Box while it lasts.
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Taco Bell makes that easy. They put something out there that goes over very well, then they take it away.

Once it's gone for the duration, so much for that particular food loop. C'est la vie.

Lucky (or not) for me, I get the same things every time, and its things they don’t discontinue :sweatsmile:
Find a new cuisine like Persian, Lebanese, or Russian and geek out on it. If there's a market or restaurant in town, try eating there, if not, find a cookbook at a library, or online recipes to try to make something new.
I’ve been on a salad with lunch or dinner pattern for a few years. This year brought an added have to have; breakfast of cornflakes with yogurt or milk. I’m allergic to soy so I buy whatever milk is on sale except soy. Strawberries or blueberries or raspberries if possible, added to the bowl - so good.
It is so automatic that did not even notice it when writing this. I have 2 eggs at breakfast every day. Sometimes with a slice of toast, other times not.
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That's hilarious. I thought I was the only one that did this! My entire diet is one food loop followed by another. I usually just run the course until I get tired of it.
Oh man, I went on a Taco Bell food loop a few months back. It was so much that I now no longer crave and even the thought is somewhat repulsive which is a first since I love it. I agree with others, let it run its course and eventually you move on. I also make stuff like crunchwraps and Mexican pizzas at home so it's much better.
All l can say is Yo quiero taco bell - those ads in the 90's with the little dog who later did movies who made that line famous. Taco Bell had to pay forty four million to the two Michigan men who came up with that slogan.
I am sorry its bothering you but I'm so glad for this thread! This is something I am dealing with too. I do eat healthy, thanks to my wife, mostly and because we almost always cook from scratch but I *have* to have (white) pasta with tomato sauce every day..... a meal without tomatoes, umami and carbs is incomplete...so here are some of my strategies for making it healthier by stretching the concept whithout my brain calling it something else:

1. smuggle shredded veg into the sauce
2. see how much "stuff" (pulses,beans,peppers) I can add without my brain saying its no longer the same meal
3.Add a load of umami flavor (mushroom based) to green sauce pasta (peas, green leafy veg & zuchetti)
4. Eat the meal in its original, somewhat unhealthy form but add a mixed salad
5. Take wholemeal pasta but keep the sauce in its triple tomato style

By doing this in small steps I can now also eat chili with rice or potatoes and it "counts" towards my daily "tomato pasta" need! Without this I am usually hangry and unsatisfied.

Dont know exactly how this can translate to restaurant meals, but maybe there is something in there that helps.

The way you describe the *tomato pasta need* it
sounds like you might be allergic to it. If you feel
pretty bad when that meal isn't forthcoming, that
could be a form of allergic dependence.
@tree - can you explain that a bit more?
I always thought it was a mix of ASD food rigidity and carb / umami "addiction"

how would it be an allergy? I have no issues with my digestion, either with or without that.
(I would hate to have to give up tomatoes *shudder*)

Food Addiction, Food Allergy and Overweight

Ok, I now see why you might say that. I dont know how relevant this is but I am not overweight (it seems this text suggests most people with such an allergy are), in fact I lose weight rapidly if I dont eat alot of pasta, potatoes, nut butter etc.
Also, I have none of the physical symptoms described as typical in this text
And: my depressive episodes come (and are gone!) independent of my food craving

So, I do think I have a craving but see no evidence for an allergy dependence based on what I just read

Interesting concept, though, will visit it more for sure.

Sorry, OP, off track!
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