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Trying to relax...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
My night? I was heading to a music performance a friend of mine does every Christmas, basically a music jam on steroids

First strike - trying to find a parking spot, and the idiotic city has shut down street parking for several block because of some sort of project, a project I can't figure out, and I get agitated when I have trouble finding parking...

I was lucky to finally get a parking spot, and yes maybe I'm too cheap to pay $2 for a parkade, because the street parking is free

Second strike - entering the venue, I've been there before but this year they have ultra high security measures, ID check everyone at the door, and then a bag search (I had camera gear), for whatever reason this whole process got me agitated as previous years just required going through the ticket office

I wasn't very happy at this point, and I told a few people (how are you? crappy!), one friend of mine picked up on it and reminded that I just needed to calm down

I eventually did calm down as the music started up, but I could feel the irritation for awhile, my friend who runs the event wasn't aware of the additional security checks because I asked him, and apparently other people commented/complained about it too...

Looking back on it, none of my agitation was necessary, I was a little early for the event anyway, but finding a parking spot in particular often seems to set me off, especially when the search seems futile...
Sometimes small things, minor inconveniences and unexpected requirements can set me off, too, Sherlock.

I'm glad you were able to get it into perspective and enjoy the show.
These security checks seem to be everywhere and annoy me too.
You can't even enter a hospital lobby or ER with going through metal detectors, bag checks and even pat downs.

Happy that it didn't ruin the show for you. :)
In a small town l lived in, somebody actually pull a gun out at a local hospital because of some lame thing. They just gotta do security screening these days. People can go from zero to 100 in just like 5 mins if their fast food order is wrong, their appt takes too long, if they didn't like the cashier's attitude. Week ago, a 69 is lady actually had a gun in her carry-on bag at Florida airport, it was loaded.
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In a small town l lived in, somebody actually pull a gun out at a local hospital because of some lame thing. They just gotta do security screening these days. People can go from zero to 100 in just like 5 mins if they fast food order is wrong, their appt takes too long, if they didn't like the cashier's attitude. Week ago, a 69 is lady actually had a gun in her carry-on bag at Florida airport, it was loaded.

My husband worked at a large public hospital for decades. You are exactly right about violence occurring at hospitals. Gang members are admitted to the ER with gunshot wounds. Rival gang members come to the ER with their guns to finish the job they started. They are feral animals with no regard for human life and are scarcely human themselves. There also are domestic violence scenarios that happen at hospitals, too. Thank goodness, we have security screenings for staff, patients and visitors at hospitals.

I realize as I type this comment that people in other countries cannot fathom the gun violence that is so commonplace in the USA.
I just remember last year's event, at the same venue, and there was none of this crap... Totally unnecessary in my opinion, or is this the new world now? It's a worse world then if that is the case... :confused:

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