I just heard back from the autism evaluation clinic here. It's going to take them two years to even schedule me for an evaluation. I don't even think I'm going to live here two years from now. What is the point? I knew this would take a while, but that's the worst waiting list I've ever faced.
If this was just about someone assigning me a label, I wouldn't care so much. I feel like I need support though. I don't know what to do now. I don't want to be threatened with homelessness again.
The homelessness worry must be awful for you.
You're not alone, I have big worries hanging over my head.
All we can do is "be with ourselves" where we are now. If we cannot control a situation, worrying worsens how we feel in my experience.
As far as support goes, come on here and I am sure people will support you with your autism related difficulties, I, for one, am happy to.
As for the waiting list, bummer, however, think of it this way, think of how quickly time goes.
Two years ago feels like two weeks ago when I look back, if you can think of it in that context and not think of the waiting, as you can do nothing about it, that's the way forward until you can get assessed.
I don't know if you have any co-morbid mental health issues, many of us do.
If so, maybe you can go to your doctor and ask to be referred.
In our area of the UK we also have a living well team, GP's can refer us, I am engaging with them.
The mental health team have also referred me to charities who I am engaging with.
I'm after some DBT for my BPD/EUPD if I can get it, as I am realising that "trying to stay with myself" and trying not to engage the thoughts that intrude is the only way forward for me.
As for sensory issues and other autistic traits, please do keep posting on here, some members are self diagnosed, we welcome them all.