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UK Inbetweeners


Well-Known Member
In the episode 'field trip', on the UK programme The Inbetweeners, Lauren thinks Will may have aspergers. Does anyone on this forum have a similar experience to Will? I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 2009, when I was at High School it was '91-'97, I didn't hear the word aspergers, I don't know if anyone suspected me of having autism
I haven't seen the show, being in the US. I do know there are a few attempts as representing autism realistically in media and a lot of caricatures. So I went here and watched some clips.

Caricature of Asperger's it is. Reminds me way too much of Sheldon in Big Bang Theory. Asperger's is one of the few things you're still allowed to make fun of in the popular media.
"Feisty one you are!"

I'm a big fan of that show. I had a similar experience when I got my project car back from having lots of work done to it. I was super excited and made a video recording of driving - I was really hyper, doing lot's of silly and awkward accents and voices etc.

I shared it with a few close friends and one of them showed it to their mum who then asked "Does he have autism." At the time, when I heard that, I hadn't ever considered or read into the spectrum. So I actually took it as an insult. Probably because I knew very little about Autism - but I assumed people who had it were a little odd.

Then, early this year when I read into the spectrum at length, I realised the traits and characteristics I'd lived with all my life and considered weird and defective - were actually perfectly normal within the spectrum.

PS - if you like the Inbetweeners I recommend the following:

Friday Night Dinner
Fresh Meat
Bad Education
This Country
Derry Girls
Young Offenders

I was just thinking more about high school, pretty much the first day I made funny voices acted in a way to try and get laughs way over the top and it stuck with me I couldn't really shake it off, a teacher helped a bit by talking to me about it

and I stopped a bit but so many people knew and I had been doing it for so long, I never shook it off for 6 years.
"Feisty one you are!"

I'm a big fan of that show. I had a similar experience when I got my project car back from having lots of work done to it. I was super excited and made a video recording of driving - I was really hyper, doing lot's of silly and awkward accents and voices etc.

I shared it with a few close friends and one of them showed it to their mum who then asked "Does he have autism." At the time, when I heard that, I hadn't ever considered or read into the spectrum. So I actually took it as an insult. Probably because I knew very little about Autism - but I assumed people who had it were a little odd.

Then, early this year when I read into the spectrum at length, I realised the traits and characteristics I'd lived with all my life and considered weird and defective - were actually perfectly normal within the spectrum.

PS - if you like the Inbetweeners I recommend the following:

Friday Night Dinner
Fresh Meat
Bad Education
This Country
Derry Girls
Young Offenders

Young Offenders is such a great movie! I watch it regularly because it makes me happy every time.

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