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Unaware of things happening to you


Well-Known Member
Looking back into my past i am starting to realize some things that may have been aspie related or not. it is not so much looking for how it has influenced me but more so just hits me, and i say to myself "Wow that makes so much more sense now"

One of these things that i am not sure if it is aspie related or maybe related to something else but i just wanted to check with other people,

First things first i am transgender, i have long herd that it is normal for trans persons to be hyper aware of things like puberty, for me it was never the case, i was very unaware of the things happening to me.

This type of thing has kinda followed me my entire life, i am partially aware of my surroundings and when i think about it, i am aware of my body and the things happening to me, but as a child i was not able to do that at all, Scrapes, Bruises, i would seem to get randomly, i remember once i had glasses and they were cutting into my nose, i didnt realize i had massive scabs on my face from my glasses digging in, until blood started running down, i was not aware at all of any body changes happening to me in puberty. (although subconsiously it was affecting me since my anxiety issues and depression started around that time) but my conscious i was never actually aware of the things going around me.

have any other aspies found that they do or used to some really similar things?
I don't know if this counts, but I'm usually unaware of my surroundings. I often don't detect something until I walk or trip over it. I'm known for being very clumsy and uncoordinated in my family. It has been like this for me for as long as I can remember.

I'm also often unaware of my own emotions. Most of the times, I struggle to define them and cannot detect them, so they can build up and lead to a screaming and crying meltdown. I can also be unaware of other people's emotions which can be disastrous at times.
I can agree with the being clumsy thing. I also tend to hurt my self and not remember/know what i actually did. It has always been like that. When i was younger i didn't own a pair of pants that didn't have the knees ripped from falling lol.
I was very unaware of everything when I was a kid, like I didn't know why I had to go to school and study things that I was not interested in, but the other kids knew why they were there. I think that I was 14 when I started to understand why I had to study things that I was not going to remember as an adult. Also when I played tennis I would forget the score every 5 minutes and if I saw an ant or a worm on the tennis court I would be destracted for the rest of the match.

I really like observing insects go about there daily life.
If you have frequent shutdowns of varying degrees, it can make you rather awareness-challenged. Then, there's the amnesia associated with this happening so often during our lives.

You could Google "autistic shutdowns." Just a thought.

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