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Uncertainty about pursuing a diagnosis for Autism in addition to ADHD


New Member
Before I come to my question, I would like to give some background to provide the appropriate context.
I'm currently 37, and I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. However, my psychologist took her time as she was not sure for a long time how to diagnose me. Only as my mother started to reach out to another psychologist because she needed an answer for her comfort did my original psychologist finally make a diagnosis. Lately, I began to look into ADHD and Asberger's. I can identify with many ADHD traits, but the same is true for many Asberger traits. In my unprofessional opinion, both fit partially but none fully. I'm unsure at the moment if I should go to a psychologist to know for sure whether I have Asperger's in addition to ADHD or not.

Now to my questions:
Are there any benefits to being diagnosed in addition to a piece of mind (Because at least I'm already sure I'm not neurotypical)?
Is it ok to say that I have ADHD with Autistic traits even without an official diagnosis, or is this disrespecting or upsetting to those diagnosed?
If I had to guess, I'd estimate our community, here and at large is made up of about 55% officially diagnosed, 25% self diagnosed and 20% suspecting it but still figuring it out. It's OK to participate and I think can be useful in the determination process. Personalities vary wildly but you tend to recognize your own.

emerald planet.jpg

I somewhat have the impression psychs may have thought it was best not to diagnose Aspergers if the person was coping ok, back in the day, or in some cases even mention it. Also some were very precise with the criteria in a way that isn't really justified by how potentially inaccurate or unapplicable they may be to some of us who yet overall fit the central issues. Think it's fine to self diagnose and I have. Think I have the low motivation type of ADHD too. You are welcome here, whatever way you go with this.
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Before I come to my question, I would like to give some background to provide the appropriate context.
I'm currently 37, and I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. However, my psychologist took her time as she was not sure for a long time how to diagnose me. Only as my mother started to reach out to another psychologist because she needed an answer for her comfort did my original psychologist finally make a diagnosis. Lately, I began to look into ADHD and Asberger's. I can identify with many ADHD traits, but the same is true for many Asberger traits. In my unprofessional opinion, both fit partially but none fully. I'm unsure at the moment if I should go to a psychologist to know for sure whether I have Asperger's in addition to ADHD or not.

Now to my questions:
Are there any benefits to being diagnosed in addition to a piece of mind (Because at least I'm already sure I'm not neurotypical)?
Is it ok to say that I have ADHD with Autistic traits even without an official diagnosis, or is this disrespecting or upsetting to those diagnosed?
I don't believe anybody here will have a problem with that. I have AD(noH)D along with asperger's. You can't do a stistical analysis witha sample of one, but I do know there are others here. Personally, I find that the ADD and austism are frequently in conflict within me. Knowing how both work helps me cope.
There's really nothing wrong with going on in life without an actual diagnosis. I needed one for personal reasons, but I can't think of any other reason to get diagnosed.
Welcome! Usually the main reasons to seek a diagnosis is for access to supports, but peace of mind can be another good reason, and was the reason why I sought an AS diagnosis - I was afraid that I might be an imposter.

But ultimately, you do what works for you :-)
Nothing will change in your ordinary life. The only difference with (if) having a diagnose is for the medical faculty to better be able to help you if you need help and support you. And for those around you that cares and get to know get a better chance of actually understand you better and explain to them why you have certain traits and or problems. If you don't have any problems in life, there is no meaning of searching for more diagnosis unless you yourself are wondering if you do have it.

Nowadays the norm is actually if you have ADHD, you most likely also have ASD as well or vice versa. What you also have to remember here is both this diagnosis and their ways of showing is very similar to eatchoder and often occur at the same time as the ADHD traits so to actually pinpoint the ASD requiring a cert evaluation expert.
Thanks, Many of the Answers gave me some more insights. But in the end I are mostly more curious then before and wanna learn more about autism. Are there any good books, blogs, youtube channels or other sources of informations that you can recomend?

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