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Understanding Analogies


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Sometimes while in conversation, I had previously used analogies and some of my analogies didn't make sense leaving the person who I was taking to all confused, left feeling awkward. Have you ever felt like this while speaking with somebody?

I had uploaded a video to explain the matter.

Sometimes while in conversation, I had previously used analogies and some of my analogies didn't make sense leaving the person who I was taking to all confused, left feeling awkward. Have you ever felt like this while speaking with somebody?

I had uploaded a video to explain the matter.

This is a really good video. You seem like a cool person

I think that I am autism spectrum, but it is an unusual sort of autism spectrum in that I fit many things, especially having obsessive interests and so on, but I seem pretty normal. And I use analogies a lot to try to explain my obsessive interests.

Like in the ancient world, ancient rich people spoke Greek to each other and had interests in everything Greek and viewed Greek things as superior, and I compare that to more recent interest of rich people in everything French, including fancy French restaurants..or maybe how well off people only like nice Swiss watches (which really are better made).

I don't know, things are strange, you know the differences between things like analogies and similes better than I do
Glad to see someone asking for feedback upload a video, I think you need some speech therapy, you talk a little like a deaf person, MAYBE, so voice tone and modulation might help? I could be wrong?
AwA's delivery is fabulous and nice & steady! And my hearing easily gets scrambled by inappropriate ups and downs / softs like they do on the radio now.

AwA, I find most people especially NTs have difficulty with my non-literal language, not the other way round. I draw similarities among everything - just like Jumpback does - therefore people with an excess of the "pragmatic" in speech (the sense that "now is not the time" to be talking about things) drop out out of their lack of imagination.

I've known I had to put effort not only into spitting anything out (for decades I could scarcely write any substance - apart from - rather slowly - at my work, let alone speak) but to assimilate my reading and admit to being curious. Those who take their faculties for granted are lagging behind and will somehow lose out.

As analogies are difficult for everybody (look at old Duns and Aquinas) I always state explicitly nowadays that I am drawing one. An analogy is a partial metaphor so there is always part that doesn't compare, so it's best to not choose one that distracts or is emotive in the wrong way. The Bible is full of analogies but very few allegories.

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