Hi. Just joined this forum, cause i think i might have aspergers. I work with e-mail/web administration and support. My interests are C-programming, the Universe and gaming.
Atm i'm just checking around on this forum and YouTube movies. Basically trying to figure out if there's reasons to go and check with my doctor, or if it might just be something i imagine atm.
Reasons i think i might have aspergers is: I'm socially awkward, and got problem making new friends. Usually not talking in groups, and when i do, i usaully ends up interrupting someone. Quite often have conversesions in my head, and usually thinking in english instead of my native language. Startet training on smiling in front of a mirror a while ago, cause i weren't sure if i fake smiled correctly or just looked scary
There's other reasons too, but don't wanna make this post too long.
Atm i'm just checking around on this forum and YouTube movies. Basically trying to figure out if there's reasons to go and check with my doctor, or if it might just be something i imagine atm.
Reasons i think i might have aspergers is: I'm socially awkward, and got problem making new friends. Usually not talking in groups, and when i do, i usaully ends up interrupting someone. Quite often have conversesions in my head, and usually thinking in english instead of my native language. Startet training on smiling in front of a mirror a while ago, cause i weren't sure if i fake smiled correctly or just looked scary