I have posted on this forum before and I need your help again. I am dating a man who I suspect has high functioning autism, but is undiagnosed. I picked up clues early on, read up about it (this forum was MOST helpful) and I am very sure that he is autistic. He functions well, but struggles with social interaction, which interfered with working and, currently, looking for a new job. People are a mystery to him. He is an absolutely lovely person who only wants the best for everyone and he is trying to make sense of people and his inability to read them then and pick up on social clues. People tend to love him to bits except for some (like the new manager at his last job who used the first opportunity to fire him after three years of great work because he did not fit into the *let us all be a happy team* atmosphere said manager wanted to create).
I think it would help him to look into the possibility of being autistic because so much makes sense (including his uncanny intelligence, memory, and insane musical talent). I am not sure how to bring it up though. Someone here suggested to tell him that he reminds me of someone I know with autism (which is actually true). So my question is if anyone has any suggestions as to whether or not I should suggest that he look into it or see a professional? How did you react to your diagnosis?
I think it would help him to look into the possibility of being autistic because so much makes sense (including his uncanny intelligence, memory, and insane musical talent). I am not sure how to bring it up though. Someone here suggested to tell him that he reminds me of someone I know with autism (which is actually true). So my question is if anyone has any suggestions as to whether or not I should suggest that he look into it or see a professional? How did you react to your diagnosis?