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It's amazing how blatantly biased the media is these days. And they love their little keywords, too, like "conspiracy theory"--used, of course, to indicate to people that they should shut their minds off and tee-hee for a few minutes before getting back to eating Dorito's and posting selfies of Facebook. The truth is we have no idea in the world if HAARP really is causing the symptoms noted in the article. How would we know? Because Edinburgh Live says it isn't? Because The New York Times says it isn't? Fox News? The London Times? Honestly, HAARP isn't needed to mind control people. The media sees to that all on its own.
But if they really can cause a crazy storm with said HAARP- then no rain happens, global warming will finally be believed.
I agree with @Kalinychta - the media is simply there to distract us. It simply has not much purpose except to introduce the next advertisement.
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But if they really can cause a crazy storm with said HAARP- then no rain happens, global warming will finally be believed.
I agree with @Kalinychta - the media is simply there to distract us. It simply has not much purpose except to introduce the next advertisement.

And the same goes for the "alternative" media. Glenn Beck's show mainly existed to sell cheap "survival" junk and barrels of unmilled wheat, with some watered down gold bars thrown in. Alex Jones gets most of his revenue from the same. In fact, it seems as if most of the "truth press" mainly is there to get stupid people fearful so they will buy extremely cheap camping items from China that are heavily marked up as "end of the world survival essentials". There's really no source of actual news anymore, it's all propaganda and ads.

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