My whole life i have a question mark on the title of my disability. The docs that i have been to say i have autistic traits but can't fully say i have autism i also have traits of BPD aswell. When my mum was still pregnant with me her womb started to collapse around me so i didnt have enough oxygen for my brain to fully grow so the doctors put my traits to that.
My life is pretty great as i live on my own i have a great job and a very good next work of friends and family but up untill 2 months ago my mentals took a big hit as my 1st serious bf of 5 months ended our realtionship. He has high functioning austim and i was his 1st gf. He ended things as he said he was to stress to be in a realtionship and he felt much more happier to be single plus he didnt feel excited to see me anymore so that means he didnt love me like he did before. I can understand that he was experiencing high amounts of stress because he just started a new job and the hrs was to much for him. He also believes our realtionship should be like the movies so he put high expectations on how he should be feeling ect. I haven't spoken to him since the brake up as i know he needs space as he deleted his fb and insta accounts stright after ending things with me. I am planning to reach out to him by a letter explaining that i dont hold anything bad toward him.
I feel so lost since the brake up! As he was my best friend! I know it gets better with time but its so unbearable right now my anxiety medications has been up as i couldn't function at all as i was having meltdowns everyday. I feel so wrecked!
Ps sorry for the bad grammar as spelling is not my strong point
My life is pretty great as i live on my own i have a great job and a very good next work of friends and family but up untill 2 months ago my mentals took a big hit as my 1st serious bf of 5 months ended our realtionship. He has high functioning austim and i was his 1st gf. He ended things as he said he was to stress to be in a realtionship and he felt much more happier to be single plus he didnt feel excited to see me anymore so that means he didnt love me like he did before. I can understand that he was experiencing high amounts of stress because he just started a new job and the hrs was to much for him. He also believes our realtionship should be like the movies so he put high expectations on how he should be feeling ect. I haven't spoken to him since the brake up as i know he needs space as he deleted his fb and insta accounts stright after ending things with me. I am planning to reach out to him by a letter explaining that i dont hold anything bad toward him.
I feel so lost since the brake up! As he was my best friend! I know it gets better with time but its so unbearable right now my anxiety medications has been up as i couldn't function at all as i was having meltdowns everyday. I feel so wrecked!
Ps sorry for the bad grammar as spelling is not my strong point