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unused chat room feature.


Darth Binks is real.
I have seen a few rooms pop up, some stay for a while, but there is never more than 3. I think that unused space is potential for something. Don't know what, maybe it would be good for an interactive forum post or something like that, I am opening it to you guys. Throw in some ideas if you like.
Chat rooms remind of the telephone numbers you could call and a portal opened up, and you were suddenly talking to anonymous voices, this goes back to my ancient teenager years. :)

We called this party lines.
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To me, I feel pressured in chat rooms - gotta say something quick. I don't like them. @Aspychata I never liked the party lines either. lol As a teenager I wanted to warn someone that he was going to get busted that night for pot but when I'd pick up the phone, two women exchanging recipes. lol
I pop up in the chat room occasionally but usually leave pretty quickly as well because there’s not a lot of people when I’m on. I must scare them off ;)
To me, I feel pressured in chat rooms - gotta say something quick. I don't like them. @Aspychata I never liked the party lines either. lol As a teenager I wanted to warn someone that he was going to get busted that night for pot but when I'd pick up the phone, two women exchanging recipes. lol
It must’ve been expensive to have in the UK ,everything is expensive in the UK but a shared service must’ve been even more expensive. it intrigued me that you had a phone number with three digits would’ve been so much easier than seven digits and the dialing code
It must’ve been expensive to have in the UK ,everything is expensive in the UK but a shared service must’ve been even more expensive. it intrigued me that you had a phone number with three digits would’ve been so much easier than seven digits and the dialing code
3 digits phone numbers? In small town, we only had to dial 6 instead of 236 - and then the rest of the last 4 numbers.
And I DID like that on a party line you could make your own phone ring. I did that and would tell my sister it was some boy calling her but said to hold on a minute so she'd be on the phone for quite a while just waiting. lol
3 digits phone numbers? In small town, we only had to dial 6 instead of 236 - and then the rest of the last 4 numbers.
And I DID like that on a party line you could make your own phone ring. I did that and would tell my sister it was some boy calling her but said to hold on a minute so she'd be on the phone for quite a while just waiting. lol
our phone numbers used to be like that but I think when it got to the 40s and 50s they got a lot longer we still got 999 and 111 but that’s it
3 digits phone numbers? In small town, we only had to dial 6 instead of 236 - and then the rest of the last 4 numbers.
And I DID like that on a party line you could make your own phone ring. I did that and would tell my sister it was some boy calling her but said to hold on a minute so she'd be on the phone for quite a while just waiting. lol
We used to be able to do that but I can’t remember the number being autistic it didn’t help that I nearly crapped myself and jumped out of my skin
3 digits phone numbers? In small town, we only had to dial 6 instead of 236 - and then the rest of the last 4 numbers.
And I DID like that on a party line you could make your own phone ring. I did that and would tell my sister it was some boy calling her but said to hold on a minute so she'd be on the phone for quite a while just waiting. lol
Imagine dialing nine numbers or 11 numbers with that dial and having ADHD I almost lost the will to live

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