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Upcoming changes to AC [DEC 2010]

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Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
Hello everyone,

I haven't been active here for the last while due to moving house, but I wanted to take this time to let you all know in advance of some changes I have planned for AC.

AC will be getting a new theme/design sometime before Christmas. This is due to our current design causing problems for some such as the login box and user profiles becoming a mess after a software upgrade not long ago. The current theme is no longer compatible with our forum software and so we will be updating to a new one with a similar colour scheme. I know that many (myself included) love the current theme but there is little that we can do to keep it compatible with the forum software.

On another note, in an effort to expand AC and make those without AS or Autism feel welcome (those with PDD-NOS and Social Anxiety) we will be making some changes to the site description and forum layout. The forum layout change will look something like this:

The Spectrum:
Autism, Asperger?s and HFA Discussion
PDD-NOS, Social Anxiety and Others

Specific Discussion:
Obsessions and Interests
Education and Employment
Love, Relationships and Dating
Friendships and Social Skills
Depression & Loneliness
Help and Support

Mature Discussion:
Serious Discussion
Private Discussion

General Discussion
Art and Creativity
Forum Games

If anyone has any suggestions or questions about the upcoming changes, please post in this thread.
Change the "Pictures/Video/Music" thread to "Entertainment" because you'd want to include computer and video games, too.

BTW, thanks for recognizing PDD-NOS. :)
Change the "Pictures/Video/Music" thread to "Entertainment" because you'd want to include computer and video games, too.

I think I will make Entertainment a separate forum as the Pictures/Video/Music forum is more for posting those than discussing.

I think we should still have the "computers and technology" thread as its own thing.

:)I would agree, if you were to to add computer/vidio games to the 'Pictures/Video/ Music' thread,there might be a chance of gomming the thread up with video games,and computer games. I am not adverse to playing either, however I would agree that they should remain as a separate subject.
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